Style Name | Description of Use |
Section Title Number | Used to style the section number, if present, when given in a separate paragraph from the section title (e.g., Part I, Part II, etc.). Can also support the form Part One, Part Two, etc. |
Section Title | Used to style the title of a section within a book, if present. |
Section Subtitle | Used to style the title of a subsection within a book, if present. |
DOI Statement | Used to style book DOI information (typically at the start of the book). |
Chapter/Article Number | Used to style the number of a chapter, if present. |
Chapter/Article TItle | Used to style the title of a chapter. |
Chapter/Article Subtitle | Used to style the subtitle of a chapter, if present. |
Chapter/Article Alternative Title | Used for an alternate form of the chapter title that will be used in the TOC. |
Chapter DOI | Used to style the sort bibliographic reference and DOI number that is attributed to the chapter (typically at the start of each chapter). |
Review Head - Book Authors | Used to style the author of a book in a book review.* |
Review Head - Book Title | Used to style the title of the book in a book review.* |
Review Head - Book Information | Used to style the publication information of a book in a book review.* |
Contributor Type - Author | Used to style the author line of a chapter, if present. |
Contributor Type - Translator | Used to style the translator/s name/s for a chapter. |
Contributor Type (Other) | Used to style the contributor name/s for a chapter that do not fit into one of the previous roles; e.g., author, translator, etc. |
Affiliation | Used to style the affiliation of the chapter contributor, if present. Can be used with any of the "Contributor Type" styles. |
Author Short Bio | Used to style the biography of the chapter contributor, if present. | DOI | Used to style the sort bibliographic reference and DOI number that is attributed to the chapter. |
Abstract Head | Used to style the heading above a chapter abstract (e.g., "Abstract"), if present (not required). |
Abstract | Used to style the chapter abstract or summary text, if present (not required). |
Keywords Title | Used to style the title of a chapter keywords list, if present, if it is a separate paragraph (e.g., not run-in with the list of keywords). (Not required.) |
Keywords | Used to style the list of chapter keywords or terms, if present (not required). |
Chapter Acknowledgments Title | Used to style the title of an acknowledgments section that pertains to just the chapter (e.g., "Acknowledgments"). |
Chapter Acknowledgments | Used to style the text of a chapter acknowledgments. |
Chapter Appendix Title | Used to style the title of a chapter appendix. All other "normal" body styles can be used to style the content of the chapter appendix. |
Normal Text - No Indent | Used to style body text that is flush-left (i.e., no indent). | Normal Text - Indent | Used to style body text that contains a first-line indent. |
Chapter - Bibliography Title | Used to style the title of a chapter Bibliography or Reference List that pertains to the chapter only (i.e., not to the entire book). |
Bibliography Subtitle 1 | Used to style the subtitle first-level subheading of a chapter Bibliography that pertains to the chapter only (i.e., not to the entire book). |
Bibliography ListingSubtitle 2 | Used to style the items in a chapter Bibliography or Reference List. | Non-XML Text | Used for text that needs to be in the Word document for the typesetter, but should not appear in the XMLthe second-level subheading of a chapter Bibliography that pertains to the chapter only (i.e., not to the entire book). |
Bibliography Subtitle 3 | Used to style the third-level subheading of a chapter Bibliography that pertains to the chapter only (i.e., not to the entire book). |
Bibliography - Descriptive Text | Used to style any descriptive text that appears between the bibliography title and the bibliography listing. |
Bibliography Listing | Used to style the items in a chapter Bibliography or Reference List. |
Insert Image | Use to style text that is a placeholder for the typesetter; that is, an indication of the exact place where a table/illustration needs to be inserted (e.g., "Insert Map here"). This content is dropped from the XML. |
Non-XML Text | Used for text that needs to be in the Word document for the typesetter, but should not appear in the XML. |