Style Name | Maps To (in XML) | Description of Use |
Head 1* | section/title-group | Use to style the first-level heading in a document. |
Head 2 | section/title-group | Use to style the second-level heading in a document. |
Head 3 | section/title-group | Use to style the third-level heading in a document. |
Head 4 | section/title-group | Use to style the fourth-level heading in a document. |
Head 5 | section/title-group | Use to style the fifth-level heading in a document. |
Head 6 | section/title-group | Use to style the sixth-level heading in a document. |
Paragraph | para type="flush" | Use to style regular body text paragraphs. |
Last Paragraph | para style="last-para" type="flush" | Use to style regular body text paragraphs that are the final paragraph in a section. |
Paragraph (No Tab) | para type="outdent" | Use to style body text paragraphs for which the "outdent" attribute is desired. |
Last Paragraph (No Tab) | para type="outdent" style="last-para" | Use to style body text paragraphs that are the final paragraph in a section, and for which the "outdent" attribute is desired. |
Paragraph (Center) | para type="center" | Use to style body text paragraphs for which the "center" attribute is desired. |
Paragraph I | para type="heading2ParaI" | Use to style labeled paragraph content following a Head 1 ; that is labeled (either with a number or letter), paragraphs that start with an uppercase Roman numeral label. |
Paragraph A | para type="heading3ParaA" | Use to style labeled paragraph content following a Head 2 or Paragraph I that is labeled (either with a number or letter); that is, paragraphs that start with an uppercase letter label. |
Paragraph 1 | para type="heading4Para1" | Use to style labeled paragraph content following a Head 3 or Paragraph A that is labeled (either with a number or letter); that is, paragraphs that start with an Arabic numeral label. |
Paragraph a | para type="heading5Para_a" | Use to style labeled paragraph content following a Head 4 or Paragraph 1 that is labeled (either with a number or letter); that is, paragraphs that start with a lowercase letter label.. |
Paragraph (1) | para type="heading6Para_1" | Use to style labeled paragraph content following a Head 5 or Paragraph a that is labeled (either with a number or letter); that is, paragraphs that start with an Arabic numeral within parenthesis label. |
Paragraph (a) | para type="heading7Para_a2" | Use to style labeled paragraph content following a Head 6 or Paragraph (1) that is labeled (either with a number or letter).; that is, paragraphs that start with a lowercase letter within parenthesis label. |
Admon | admon-type/para type="flush" | Use to style an Admon paragraph. When labelled, the label is pulled into an admon-type attribute; for example, <admon-type="Caveat">. |
Admon Continued | admon-type/para type="flush" | Use the style a continuation paragraph of an Admon note. Will export to para admontype="last" if it is also the last paragraph of the note. |
Admon 1 | admon-type/para type="flush" | Use to style an Admon paragraph. When labelled, the label is pulled into an admon-type attribute; for example, <admon-type="Caveat">. |
Admon 2 | admon-type/para type="flush" | Use to style an Admon paragraph. When labelled, the label is pulled into an admon-type attribute; for example, <admon-type="Caveat">. |
Admon (10 pt) | admon-type/para type="flush" | Use to style an Admon paragraph that has a 10-point font size. When labelled, the label is pulled into an admon-type attribute; for example, <admon-type="Caveat">. |
Admon Continued (10 pt) | admon-type/para type="flush" | Use the style a continuation paragraph of an Admon note. Will export to para admontype="last" if it is also the last paragraph of the note. |
Admon 2 (10 pt) | admon-type/para type="flush" | Use to style an Admon paragraph. When labelled, the label is pulled into an admon-type attribute; for example, <admon-type="Caveat">. |
Admon (Last) | admon-type/para admontype="last" type="flush" | Use to style the last paragraph of a multi-paragraph Admon note. |
Form | section/title-group type="form" | Use to style the title of a form; for example, "Form 5.8 Confidential Petition Addendum (FAM-0028)." |
Excerpt | para type="excerpt" | Use to style excerpt content. |
Excerpt Form | para type="form" | Use to style form text in the document. |
Excerpt Center | para type="center-excerpt" | Use to style excerpt text that must be centered. |
Excerpt Center Form | para type="center-form" | Use to style form text in the document that must be centered. |
Excerpt (Last) | para type="form" style="last-para" | Use to style the last paragraph of a form. |
Quote | quote/para | Use to style content that is a display quote. |
Quote 2 | quote style="quote2"/para | Use to style content that should be identified as quote 2. |
Quote (Last) | quote/para style="last-para" | Use to style the last paragraph of a multi-paragraph quote. |
Graphic | figure/graphic | Use to style images in the document. The export will also generate a graphic pointer that will be named according to the Word document title.** |