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The Chap (or, Chapter) Tab of the eXtyles style palette includes paragraph styles that will be used to style content that will generally appear within the chapter body of the book. The Chap Tab is only present for documents Activated as Brepols Books.

titleOn This Page

Table of Contents

Brepols Books (Whole Books)

Style NameDescription of Use
Section Title NumberUsed to style the section number, if present, when given in a separate paragraph from the section title  (e.g., Part I, Part II, etc.). Can also support the form Part One, Part Two, etc.
Section TitleUsed to style the title of a section within a book, if present.
Section SubtitleUsed to style the title of a subsection within a book, if present.
DOI StatementUsed to style book DOI information (typically at the start of the book).
Chapter/Article NumberUsed to style the number of a chapter, if present.
Chapter/Article TItleUsed to style the title of a chapter.
Chapter/Article SubtitleUsed to style the subtitle of a chapter, if present.
Chapter/Article Alternative TitleUsed for an alternate form of the chapter title that will be used in the TOC.
Chapter DOIUsed to style the sort bibliographic reference and DOI number that is attributed to the chapter (typically at the start of each chapter).
Review Head - Book AuthorsUsed to style the author of a book in a book review.*
Review Head - Book TitleUsed to style the title of the book in a book review.*
Review Head - Book InformationUsed to style the publication information of a book in a book review.*
Contributor Type - AuthorUsed to style the author line of a chapter, if present.
Contributor Type - TranslatorUsed to style the translator/s name/s for a chapter.
Contributor Type (Other)Used to style the contributor name/s for a chapter that do not fit into one of the previous roles; e.g., author, translator, etc. 
AffiliationUsed to style the affiliation of the chapter contributor, if present. Can be used with any of the "Contributor Type" styles.
Author Short BioUsed to style the biography of the chapter contributor, if present.
DOIUsed to style the sort bibliographic reference and DOI number that is attributed to the chapter.
Abstract HeadUsed to style the heading above a chapter abstract (e.g., "Abstract"), if present (not required).
AbstractUsed to style the chapter abstract or summary text, if present (not required).
Keywords TitleUsed to style the title of a chapter keywords list, if present, if it is a separate paragraph (e.g., not run-in with the list of keywords). (Not required.)
KeywordsUsed to style the list of chapter keywords or terms, if present (not required).
Chapter Acknowledgments TitleUsed to style the title of an acknowledgments section that pertains to just the chapter (e.g., "Acknowledgments").
Chapter AcknowledgmentsUsed to style the text of a chapter acknowledgments.
Chapter Appendix TitleUsed to style the title of a chapter appendix. All other "normal" body styles can be used to style the content of the chapter appendix.
Normal Text - No IndentUsed to style body text that is flush-left (i.e., no indent).Normal Text - IndentUsed to style body text that contains a first-line indent.
Chapter - Bibliography TitleUsed to style the title of a chapter Bibliography or Reference List that pertains to the chapter only (i.e., not to the entire book).
Bibliography Subtitle 1Used to style the subtitle first-level subheading of a chapter Bibliography that pertains to the chapter only (i.e., not to the entire book).
Bibliography ListingSubtitle 2Used to style the items in a chapter Bibliography or Reference List.Non-XML TextUsed for text that needs to be in the Word document for the typesetter, but should not appear in the XMLthe second-level subheading of a chapter Bibliography that pertains to the chapter only (i.e., not to the entire book).
Bibliography Subtitle 3Used to style the third-level subheading of a chapter Bibliography that pertains to the chapter only (i.e., not to the entire book).
Bibliography - Descriptive TextUsed to style any descriptive text that appears between the bibliography title and the bibliography listing.
Bibliography ListingUsed to style the items in a chapter Bibliography or Reference List.
Insert ImageUse to style text that is a placeholder for the typesetter; that is, an indication of the exact place where a table/illustration needs to be inserted (e.g., "Insert Map here"). This content is dropped from the XML.
Non-XML TextUsed for text that needs to be in the Word document for the typesetter, but should not appear in the XML.

*In an XML workflow, book review information should be included in three separate styles: Book author(s), Book title, and Book information.

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Brepols Chapters (Separate Chapter Documents)

Style NameDescription of Use
Chapter/Article NumberUsed to style the number of a chapter, if present.
Chapter/Article TItleUsed to style the title of a chapter.
Chapter/Article SubtitleUsed to style the subtitle of a chapter, if present.
Chapter/Article Alternative TitleUsed for an alternate form of the chapter title that will be used in the TOC.
Chapter DOIUsed to style the sort bibliographic reference and DOI number that is attributed to the chapter (typically at the start of each chapter).
Review Head - Book AuthorsUsed to style the author of a book in a book review.*
Review Head - Book TitleUsed to style the title of the book in a book review.*
Review Head - Book InformationUsed to style the publication information of a book in a book review.*
Right Running Head
Left Running Head
First Page Head
Contributor Descriptive Text
Contributor Type - AuthorUsed to style the author line of a chapter, if present.
Contributor Type - Historical Author
Contributor Type - Editor of Text
Contributor Type - Collaborator
Contributor Type - TranslatorUsed to style the translator/s name/s for a chapter.
Contributor Type - Editor of Miscellany
Contributor Type - Book Reviewer
Contributor Type (Other)Used to style the contributor name/s for a chapter that do not fit into one of the previous roles; e.g., author, translator, etc. 
AffiliationUsed to style the affiliation of the chapter contributor, if present. Can be used with any of the "Contributor Type" styles.
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Author Short BioUsed to style the biography of the chapter contributor, if present.
Abstract HeadUsed to style the heading above a chapter abstract (e.g., "Abstract"), if present (not required).
AbstractUsed to style the chapter abstract or summary text, if present (not required).
Keywords TitleUsed to style the title of a chapter keywords list, if present, if it is a separate paragraph (e.g., not run-in with the list of keywords). (Not required.)
KeywordsUsed to style the list of chapter keywords or terms, if present (not required).
Abbreviations - Level 2
Non-XML TextUsed for text that needs to be in the Word document for the typesetter, but should not appear in the XML.

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