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Content in the document body should be styled using items on the Body tab of the eXtyles style palette. This section describes how to correctly style the body section of your content.

Table of Contents

Section Titles and Headings

In an XML workflow it is important to ensure that sections of a document are organized in correct hierarchical order; for example, the Heading 2 style should never be used before Heading 1, because Heading 2 denotes a section that is subordinate to a main section (indicated with Heading 1).

Heading levels should therefore not be used because the “look right,” but, rather, because they reflect the correct structure of the document.

Section Title

The Section Title style should be used when a report is separated into multiple parallel sections; for example, a report that has two sections each with their own reference list or appendices.

For example, this report has two parallel Patient Group sections.

The use of Section Title in this case creates distinct “parts” in the XML, which ensures that section-level material remains in the correct location (e.g., appendices or reference lists).

Code Block
<book-part id="bp1">
<title>Patient Group: Canadian Liver Foundation</title>
<sec id="S1" sec-type="other1" disp-level="1">
<label>1</label><title>About Your Patient Group</title>
<p>Founded in 1969, the Canadian Liver Foundation (CLF) was the first organization in the world dedicated to supporting education and research into all forms of liver disease.
<book-part id="bp2">
<title>Patient Group: The Isaac Foundation</title>
<sec id="S8" sec-type="other11" disp-level="1">
<label>1</label><title>About Your Patient Group</title>
<p>The Isaac Foundation&apos;s mission is to fund innovative research projects that aim to find a cure for MPS, a rare, debilitating, and devastating disease.

Headings 1-5

Document subheadings should be used to impose correct structure on the document. For example, the first heading in the body of a document (that is not a Section Title) should always be Heading 1, followed by Heading 2, Heading 3, and so on, as appropriate.

Subheadings will “nest” into their parent section during XML export, which ensures that the proper document structure is maintained.

These correctly styled headings will produce properly nested XML, as shown here.

Code Block
<sec id="S1" sec-type="other1" disp-level="1">
<title>Executive Summary</title>
   <sec id="S1-1" disp-level="2">
   <title>Context and Policy Issues</title>
   <p>Pharmacologic treatment of type 2 diabetes following the failure of conventional diet and exercise ....</p>
   <sec id="S1-2" disp-level="2">
   <title>Objectives and Research Questions</title>
      <sec id="S1-2-1" disp-level="3">
      <title>Clinical Review</title>
      <p>The objective of this project is to update a previous CADTH systematic review, ....</p>

Key Messages Title

Key Messages sections must begin with a title styled using the Key Messages Title paragraph style. This ensures that the content is uniquely tagged in the XML, which allows it to be rendered differently from the other body text.

For example,

Produces the following XML (note the sec-type="key-message" attribute, which uniquely identifies this section from other body text):

Code Block
<sec sec-type="key-message" id="S2">
<title>Key Messages</title>
<p>Following are key messages for this report.</p>
<list id="L2" list-type="order">
<list-item><p>Here are some key messages</p></list-item>
<list-item><p>Some more</p></list-item>
<list-item><p>The last one</p></list-item></list>


All lists, regardless of the symbol or number that precedes them, should be styled with the appropriate list level paragraph style. During XML export, eXtyles will identify the list type, and assign the proper identifying attribute in the XML (e.g., ordered, bulleted, alpha).

List Level 1 should be used for all primary list items, and Levels 2-4 should be used as appropriate for sublist items. For example:

Which produces the following XML:

Code Block
<p>The research questions for the review are the following:</p>
<list id="L1" list-type="order">
<list-item><p>For adults with type 2 diabetes on metformin monotherapy with inadequate glycemic control, what is the comparative efficacy and safety of using a drug from one of the following classes as a second-line drug?</p>
   <list id="L2" list-type="alpha-lower">
   <list-item><p>DPP-4 inhibitor</p></list-item>
   <list-item><p>GLP-1 analogue</p></list-item>
   <list-item><p>SGLT-2 inhibitor.</p></list-item>

If a list item contains more than one paragraph, the List Continued styles of the appropriate level should be used. For example,

Produces the following XML:

Code Block
<list id="L12" list-type="bullet">
<list-item><p>In BEAUTIFUL, 10,917 patients with stable coronary artery disease that met the inclusion criteria of LVEF &lt; 40% were enrolled. The mean LVEF at baseline was 32.4% (SD 5.5) and 32.3% (SD 5.5). </p>
<p>Ivabradine showed no significant improvement in cardiac outcomes compared with placebo. In a pre-specified subgroup of patients with a baseline heart rate of &#x2265;70 beats per minute (bpm), ivabradine reduced the incidence ...</p>
<list-item><p>In SHIFT, 6,558 patients with symptomatic HF that met the inclusion criteria (LVEF of  &#x2264; 35%, in sinus rhythm with a heart rate of &#x2265;70 bpm, admitted to hospital for worsening HF within the previous 12 months, and on stable background treatment of a beta blocker) were enrolled.</p>

Literature Search Item

Literature Search Item is a style that should be applied to literature search strings that need to be protected from automated changes made by the Auto-Redact function. These strings may include alternate spellings or purposefully misspelled words.

See the below example of the Literature Search Item paragraph style as applied in Microsoft Word:

An example of the Literature Search Item paragraph styleImage Added

The Literature Search Item paragraph style will produce a list in the exported XML, as seen below:

Code Block
<list id="L7" list-type="order">
<list-item><p content-type="lit-search">(long COVID* or long coronavirus*).ti,ab,kf.</p></list-item>
<list-item><p content-type="lit-search">((chronic or post) adj (COVID* or coronavirus* or corona virus* or SARS-COV-2 or SARS-COV2 or SARSCOV-2 or nCoV* or 2019nCoV or 19nCoV or SARSCOV2) adj2 (sequela* or syndrome* or disorder* or condition* or symptom*)).ti,ab,kf.</p></list-item>
<list-item><p content-type="lit-search">((post acute or postacute or post viral or postviral or post virus* or postvirus* or long duration or long last or long lasting or longstanding or long standing) adj3 (COVID* or coronavirus* or corona virus* or SARS-COV-2 or SARS-COV2 or SARSCOV-2 or nCoV* or 2019nCoV or 19nCoV or SARSCOV2)).ti,ab,kf.</p></list-item>