Poems & Preformatted Text
Poetry may appear in any document type. The verses of the poem should be styled with the appropriate style (e.g. Poetry, Verse, etc.) from your style palette, and the author should be styled with the style used for author names.
At times, poetry may be style as Preformatted Text
Where separate stanzas should be represented in the XML with a <verse-group> element, an empty paragraph styled "Poetry" should be inserted between the lines that begin and end their respective stanzas.
As exemplified in the above screenshot, the first three (3) lines of the poem are assigned the Poetry style as is the line break before the second poetry stanza. This format yields the following XML:
<verse-line>An old willow with hollow branches</verse-line>
<verse-line>slowly swayed his few high bright tendrils</verse-line>
<verse-line>and sang:</verse-line>
<verse-line>Love is a young green willow</verse-line>
<verse-line>shimmering at the bare wood’s edge.</verse-line>
In this section
Preformatted Text
Poetry can also be formatted as Preformatted Text. In addition Preformatted is also used for machine-related communication (e.g. computer code and error messages), where whitespace should be preserved.
The following example demonstrates the use of the Preformatted Text style on sample MathML XML from an article draft about math in Word. The multiple lines of example XML are formatted using tabs to establish line hierarchy; all 10 lines are styled as “Preformat”:
This yields the following XML with the tab character represented by the Unicode “	”:
For more information, view the eXtyles JATS Style Guide page on Poetry and Preformatted Text Styles.
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