Specific use tags

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Sometimes you may need to add environment-specific formatting instructions for text in a JATS or BITS XML file. The easiest way to do this is with a specific-use attribute.

To build this attribute into your Word file, follow the Insert Tag instructions to add a Specific Use tag, then type the attribute value inside the tags.


Here’s an example of a paragraph that needs to be centered in PDF output. In Word, it will look like this:


The resulting XML will look like this:

<p specific-use="centered">Paragraph</p>



You can apply the Specific Use tag to figures, tables, boxes, extract quotes, lists, and paragraphs.


Here’s another example: displaying multiple-choice answers as a 2-column sub-list. In Word, the text looks like this, with the attribute value 2col inside the <su> tags.

1. Which term refers communication between people?

a. intrapersonal<su>2col</su>

b. impersonal

c. interpersonal

d. public

2. Which term refers to the values and beliefs of your audience?

The resulting XML looks like this:

<list list-type="order" id="L1">  <list-item><p>Which refers to communicating between people about general information?</p>  <list specific-use="2col" list-type="alpha-lower" id="L2">  <list-item><p>intrapersonal</p></list-item>  <list-item><p>impersonal</p></list-item>  <list-item><p>interpersonal</p></list-item>  <list-item><p>public</p></list-item>  </list>  </list-item>  <list-item><p>Which speaking context refers to the values and beliefs of your audience?</p></list-item>  </list>







Why use a specific-use tag instead of a 2-column inline table in this case? The specific-use tag is for situations when you want different rendering systems to be able display different layouts.


To apply specific use to a particular list item, rather than the entire list, place the List Item Specific Use tag at the end of the list item.


Here’s an example of using the specific-use attribute to indicate a photo that should have a clipping path applied for rendering. In Word, the figure caption it looks like this:

In what ways can you be ethical in researching speech topics?<su>clip-path</su>

The resulting XML looks like this:

<fig id="fa" position="float" fig-type="photo" specific-use="clip-path">  <caption><p>In what ways can you be ethical in researching speech topics?</p></caption>  <graphic xlink:href="0-123456-78-9c003-fa"></graphic>  </fig>


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