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Abstract Head, Abstract

The following example demonstrates the use of the Abstract Head and Abstract paragraph styles:

Screenshot in Draft View of an abstract example with an abstract head. The paragraph styles used are 'Abstract Head' and 'Abstract'

which yields the following XML:

<abstract> <sec><title>Introduction</title><p>Mathematics is a fundamental building block of modern technology, research, and industry, and yet the technological means of publishing mathematics can still be surprisingly challenging. As a result, anyone involved in producing, publishing, or reading mathematical equations electronically knows that writing and publishing math is not a simple process.</p> ... </abstract>


Teaser Head, Teaser

The following example demonstrates the use of the Teaser_Head and Teaser paragraph styles:

Screenshot in Draft View of an example teaser sentence with a 'Teaser' heading. The paragraph styles used are 'Teaser_Head' and 'Teaser'

which yields this XML:

<abstract abstract-type="teaser"> <title>Teaser</title> <p>This paper clarifies the different forms of equations that can be encountered in Word documents and discusses the issues and idiosyncrasies of converting these various forms to MathML, LaTeX, and/or images in the JATS XML model.</p> </abstract>


Translated Abstracts

The following example demonstrates the use of the Abstract Head (Translated) and Abstract (Translated) paragraph stylesL

which yields this XML:

<trans-abstract xml:lang="ru"> <title>Резюме</title> <p>Математика является фундаментальным строительным блоком современных технологий, научных исследований и промышленности, и в то же технологические средства публикации математики до сих пор может быть удивительно сложным. В результате, кто участвует в производстве, издательской, или чтение в электронном виде математических уравнений известно, что написание и публикация математику не является простым процессом.</p> </trans-abstract>

This and other Russian translations used in this documentation were translated automatically using Google Translate. 

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