Publication History

Publication History

eXtyles supports the dates of various publication milestones in a single paragraph style. This page explains how to set up the publication history so that the dates are converted automatically to XML.

Received, Revised, Accepted Date

The Received, Revised, Accepted Date style (actually named History in the Word Style Manager) accommodates various publication milestones. eXtyles will automatically identify received, revised, updated, and accepted dates, as well as various dates associated with online posting and publication, and apply the appropriate attribute to the date in the XML. All of this identification can be done without any special markup in the XML file. The key to this process is the consistent use of wording to identify each date.

As can be seen from the examples below, eXtyles automatically parses the date into day, month, and year elements. This process is most robust if months are spelled out as words or as abbreviations (both English and French month names are supported) and years are given as four digits. Dates given in the form XXXX-XX-XX (e.g. 2012-05-11) will be parsed as YYYY-MM-DD (i.e. 11th May not 5th November). If months are given as digits (e.g. 12-08-2010 or 12-08-10), by default, eXtyles will identify the date as MM-DD-YY(YY) (i.e. U.S. date format; December 8th, 2010) and will warn that the date is ambiguous. It is possible to modify the export to omit the warning (if international date format is never encountered) or to treat the international date format [i.e. DD-MM-YY(YY)] as the default (see the Russian example below).

The character used to separate the various elements of the date is reasonably flexible: slashes, colons, hyphens, or periods all enable dates to parse correctly. 

If particular dates are not available at the time that the XML is exported, eXtyles will allow either X (e.g. XX-XX-XXXX) or two or more Ys, Ms, and Ds (e.g. MM-DD-YYYY) as placeholders that can later be replaced in the XML once the date is known.

Example 1 - English dates in U.S. date format on a single line

The following example demonstrates the use of the History paragraph style. This illustration is an excerpt from the sample document: Sample 2_Math-in-Word.docx

JATS XML Example
<date date-type="received"><day>01</day><month>03</month><year>2016</year></date>
<date date-type="rev-recd"><day>14</day><month>03</month><year>2016</year></date>
<date date-type="accepted"><day>21</day><month>03</month><year>2016</year></date>

Example 2 - Russian dates in international date format on separate lines

The following example demonstrates the use of the History paragraph style. This illustration is an excerpt from the sample document: Sample 3_Math-in-Word.docx

JATS XML Example
<date date-type="received"><day>31</day><month>03</month><year>2011</year></date>
<date date-type="accepted"><day>11</day><month>10</month><year>2011</year></date>

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