Translated Author Affiliations

Translated author affiliations may or may not use an alternate character set from the primary-language content. This page describes the use of the Affiliations (Translated) style.

Affiliations (Translated)

The Affiliations (Translated) style should be used in conjunction with the Authors (Translated) style. The style is used in the same way as the primary-language Affiliations style. The numbering of translated affiliations can either be the same as, or distinct from, the numbering of the primary-language affiliations.

As shown in the sample XML, both native-language and translated affiliations will be exported into the <aff-alternatives> element, with the distinction made via the language attribute in the <aff> tag.

More detail on the use of the primary-language Affiliations style can be found here.


The following example demonstrates the use of the Affiliations (Translated) paragraph style. This illustration is an excerpt from the sample document: Sample 3_Math-in-Word-Trans.docx

JATS XML Example (UTF-8 encoding)
	<aff-alternatives id="aff1">
    <aff id="aff1-en" xml:lang="en">
    <aff id="aff3-ru" xml:lang="ru">
        Отдел успеха клиентов, Инера включены, 19 Флетт дорогу, 
	<aff-alternatives id="aff2">
    <aff id="aff2-en" xml:lang="en">
    <aff id="aff4-ru" xml:lang="ru">
        Отдел управления, Инера включены, 19 Флетт дорогу, 

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