Translated Keywords and Abbreviations

Translated Keywords and Abbreviations

Translated keywords and abbreviations are set up in the same way as the equivalent content in the primary language. This page describes the use of the Keywords (Translated) and Abbreviations (Translated) styles.

Keywords (Translated)

The Keywords (Translated) style is used in the same way as the primary language Keywords style. The same considerations apply about the use of strong separators, etc. More information on the use of the primary language Keywords style can be found here.


The following example demonstrates the use of the Keywords (Translated) paragraph style. This illustration is an excerpt from the sample document: Sample 3_Math-in-Word.docx

JATS XML Example
<kwd-group kwd-group-type="translator" xml:lang="ru">
	<title>Ключевые слова: </title>
	<kwd>Microsoft Word</kwd>

Abbreviations (Translated)

The Abbreviations (Translated) style is used in the same way as the primary language Abbreviations style. The same considerations apply about the use of strong separators, etc. Note that, in the XML output, the primary and secondary language abbreviations are listed together in the same <def-list> element. More information on the use of the primary language Abbreviations style can be found here.


The following example demonstrates the use of the Abbreviations (Translated) paragraph style. This illustration is an excerpt from the sample document: Sample 3_Math-in-Word.docx

JATS XML Example (UTF-8 encoding)
<def-list list-type="simple" list-content="abbreviations">
			<p>расширяемый язык разметки</p>

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