Heading Styles

Heading Styles

Heading styles are self-explanatory. Headings should always be correctly nested (i.e. never skip heading levels just to obtain a particular visual "look" in Word).

Head 1, Head 2, Head 3, Head 4, Head 5, Head 6

eXtyles NLM supports up to six levels of headings. Always use the highest available heading level; i.e., don't skip heading levels just to obtain a particular visual appearance in Word. Headings may be numbered in the Word file. Always use a "strong" separator such as a tab, a period or a colon between the heading number and the text of the heading.

By default in eXtyles NLM, the heading level is not indicated explicitly in the output XML. Instead, it can be inferred from the nesting of the <sec> elements. Level-1 sections have a @sec-type attribute applied to the XML by default. For certain section titles, e.g. Introduction, Methods, Conclusions, this is prepopulated as e.g., @sec-type="introduction". Otherwise, the @sec-type attribute takes the value "other" with an ascending number series to ensure that each attribute value is unique, i.e., "other1", "other2", etc.


The following example demonstrates the use of the Head 2 and Head 3 paragraph styles. This illustration is an excerpt from the sample document: Sample 1_Math-in-Word.docx

JATS XML Example
<title>Math as text</title>
<p>Simple mathematical formulae (i.e., those expressions that can be expressed on a single line) can be typed into Word using the keyboard. Letters, numbers, and basic math symbols can be typed on an ASCII keyboard, and font face changes such as italic, bold, superscript, and subscript can be applied with Word character formatting. This method has been available since Word was first developed in the mid-1980s. Most special (non-ASCII) symbols can be typed as Unicode values or entered via Word&#x2019;s &#x201C;Insert Symbol&#x201D; function if a font containing the required symbol is available.</p>
<title>Special symbols</title>
<p>Entering mathematical &#x201C;special symbols&#x201D; could be challenging in Word&#x2019;s early years. Unicode did not exist when the earliest versions of Word were developed. Word included a Symbol font with a useful but limited math set, and many special needs were filled with a wide range of custom math symbol fonts that were each limited to 232 characters. Individual characters were addressed by font name and character offset within the font. This lack of standardization for special symbol fonts caused more than a few woes when converting Word files to XML, especially when more creative authors made custom fonts for themselves with the specific characters they needed. The STIX font project was developed in part to alleviate the problems caused by large numbers of special non-Unicode compliant math fonts [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="r19">19</xref>].</p>

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