Affiliation Styles

Affiliation Styles

eXtyles NLM does not tag individual elements of author affiliations by default, beyond identifying and tagging email addresses. This page describes various character styles that can be applied by hand to give additional granularity in affiliations in the XML file.

The various af_ character styles are not applied automatically during eXtyles Author Processing. Instead, the user can apply them by hand. Only those elements that are required to be specifically identified in the XML need to be styled. There is no requirement to style all or any part of the affiliation in order to obtain valid JATS XML.

The styles af_institution and af_country could theoretically be used downstream to interrogate the XML and capture statistics about institutions and countries that have provided authors.

Note that email addresses in affiliation or correspondence paragraphs are automatically identified on XML export and handled appropriately, although they are not styled during Author Processing: see the example Word file and XML below.


The character style af_institution can be used to tag the name of the institution in the affiliation paragraph.


The character style af_addr-line can be applied to other parts of the affiliation that are not covered by any of the other styles.


The af_country paragraph style is applied to the country in an affiliation.


Phone numbers in the affiliation or a correspondence paragraph can be tagged with the af_phone character style. This could theoretically be used to create a link in the XML.


The af_fax character style can be applied to fax numbers in an affiliation or correspondence paragraph.

The af_base character style is not used itself, but it can serve as a base for properties of the other affilation-related character styles listed above. Do not apply af_base style to the contents of your document.


The following example demonstrates the use of the affiliation character styles. This illustration is an excerpt from the sample document: Sample_4_Character-styles.docx

JATS XML Example
<aff id="aff1">
		Synthetic Genomics Inc.
		221B Baker Street
		London NW1 6XE
	<corresp id="cor1">
		<email xlink:href="sherlockholmes@synthetic.com">
		. Phone: 
			+1 555 123 4567
		; Fax: 
			+1 555 987 6543

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