

In a standard eXtyles configuration, a group of contiguous list paragraphs will be exported as a single XML list. Nested lists should be styled carefully to ensure that the nesting is reflected in the paragraph styles used.

Numbered and Bulleted Lists

Numbered and bulleted lists take the same paragraph style, and the label (e.g., the number or bullet) determines how the list is defined in the XML. For example, the following bulleted list, styled with the Numbered/Bullet List Level 1 paragraph style, will produce the subsequent XML.

In this section

• Incorporation of marsh migration processes into coastal modeling

• Additional research on processes inherent in marsh accretion potential, including organic matter contributions to soils and suspended sediment availability

• Understanding changes in marsh function due to SLR including vegetation responses to inundation and wildlife use of marsh habitats

<list id="L1" list-type="bullet">
<list-item><label>&#x2022;</label><p>Incorporation of marsh migration processes into coastal modeling</p></list-item>
<list-item><label>&#x2022;</label><p>Additional research on processes inherent in marsh accretion potential, including organic matter contributions to soils and suspended sediment availability</p></list-item>
<list-item><label>&#x2022;</label><p>Understanding changes in marsh function due to SLR including vegetation responses to inundation and wildlife use of marsh habitats</p></list-item></list>

Note that in the XML the list type has been defined as "bullet," and the bullet symbols (represented with their Unicode value &#x2022;) are provided within <label> tags.

Numbered lists, such as the following, produce the subsequent XML:

1. Incorporation of marsh migration processes into coastal modeling

2. Additional research on processes inherent in marsh accretion potential, including organic matter contributions to soils and suspended sediment availability

3. Understanding changes in marsh function due to SLR including vegetation responses to inundation and wildlife use of marsh habitats

<list id="L1" list-type="order">
<list-item><label>1</label><p>Incorporation of marsh migration processes into coastal modeling</p></list-item>
<list-item><label>2</label><p>Additional research on processes inherent in marsh accretion potential, including organic matter contributions to soils and suspended sediment availability</p></list-item>
<list-item><label>3</label><p>Understanding changes in marsh function due to SLR including vegetation responses to inundation and wildlife use of marsh habitats</p></list-item></list>

Note that in the XML the list type for numbered lists is "order," and the numbers are enclosed in <label> tags.

Unnumbered Lists

Lists that are neither bulleted nor numbered should take the Unnumbered List paragraph style. The following unnumbered list will produce the subsequent XML:

Incorporation of marsh migration processes into coastal modeling

Additional research on processes inherent in marsh accretion potential, including organic matter contributions to soils and suspended sediment availability

Understanding changes in marsh function due to SLR including vegetation responses to inundation and wildlife use of marsh habitats

<list id="L1" list-type="simple">
<list-item><p>Incorporation of marsh migration processes into coastal modeling</p></list-item>
<list-item><p>Additional research on processes inherent in marsh accretion potential, including organic matter contributions to soils and suspended sediment availability</p></list-item>
<list-item><p>Understanding changes in marsh function due to SLR including vegetation responses to inundation and wildlife use of marsh habitats</p></list-item></list>

Note that in the XML the list type for unnumbered lists is "simple," and there are no <label> tags.

List Continuations

If a single item in the list is made up of more than one paragraph, a List Continued style must be used for the continuation paragraphs; otherwise, the subsequent paragraphs will be exported as separate list items. Following is an example of the use of List Continued and it's resulting XML:

1. Incorporation of marsh migration processes into coastal modeling

Additional research on processes inherent in marsh accretion potential, including organic matter contributions to soils and suspended sediment availability

2. Understanding changes in marsh function due to SLR including vegetation responses to inundation and wildlife use of marsh habitats

<list id="L1" list-type="order">
<list-item><label>1</label><p>Incorporation of marsh migration processes into coastal modeling</p>
<p>Additional research on processes inherent in marsh accretion potential, including organic matter contributions to soils and suspended sediment availability</p></list-item>
<list-item><label>2</label><p>Understanding changes in marsh function due to SLR including vegetation responses to inundation and wildlife use of marsh habitats</p></list-item></list>


If it is necessary to interrupt a list with a non-list paragraph, such as a quote, and then continue the list, you will need a specific paragraph style (e.g., Quote in List) to allow that paragraph to appear in the list without causing the list to end in the XML file and to restart after the interposed paragraph.

Lists in Tables

Lists in tables should be styled using the appropriate list style, rather than using the table styles. You can apply the list style to a unique paragraph in a table cell by holding the Ctrl key while selecting the style from the palette. For example, the following table uses a Table Body style for the regular cell content and the appropriate List styles for the list content:

Table header

Table header

Table header

Table body

Table body

1. Numbered/Bullet List Level 1

• Numbered/Bullet List Level 1

2. Numbered/Bullet List Level 1

• Numbered/Bullet List Level 1

3. Numbered/Bullet List Level 1

Using list styles in this way will produce the following XML for the first row of the above table (note the <list-item> tagging for the third column):

<td rowspan="3" valign="top" align="left" style="border-top: solid 0.50pt; border-bottom: solid 0.50pt" scope="row">Table body</td>
<td valign="top" align="left" style="border-top: solid 0.50pt">Table body</td>
<td valign="top" align="left" style="border-top: solid 0.50pt"><list id="L1" list-type="order"><list-item><label>1</label><p>Numbered/Bullet List Level 1</p></list-item></list>

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