Section Cross References

In the published document you may want to create interactive cross references to other sections within the document; for example, a citation to a heading in a document that a user can click to navigate to that section. This can be achieved using the cite_sec character style, available in eXtyles.

In Word, apply the cite_sec character style to any heading cross reference in the document. For example, the cross reference to the heading “Science of Water Resources in New York” is styled with the cite_sec character style:

eXtyles Citation Matching will not automatically apply the cite_sec character style. You will need to apply it by hand.

The eXtyles BITS export will then produce <xref> markup to that section. For example,

<sec id="ip079623-gip_4supervisor.Science_of_Water_Res"> <title>Science of Water Resources in New York</title>


<p>..... (see <xref ref-type="sec" rid="ip079623-gip_4supervisor.Science_of_Water_Res">Science of Water Resources in New York</xref>) .....</p>

Note the matching id and rid for the section: ip079623-gip_4supervisor.Science_of_Water_Res


  • Only those sections that have styled cross references will generate IDs in the XML. If a section does not have a cross reference no ID will be generated for the <sec>.

  • Only cross references that match exactly the title of the section will generate an ID. So, for the above example, if the cross reference was (see Science of Water Resources in NY) no ID would be generated (because the section title spells out New York).