Chapter and Section Styles

Chapter and Section Styles

Documents that are organized into chapters (or, sections) will make use of the eXtyles chapter-specific paragraph styles. These chapter styles are located on the Chap tab of the eXtyles style palette.

Chapters/sections may have the following elements that pertain to the specific chapter/section and not to the document as a whole:

  • authors/affiliations
  • references
  • appendices
  • acknowledgments

Be sure to use the chapter-specific paragraph styles for these items to ensure that content is handled correctly during both eXtyles Advanced Processes and XML export.


The Document Title and Report Authors (and Chapter Editors, etc.) paragraph styles are used for the document’s main title and authors, as presented on the title page. These styles appear on the Front tab of the eXtyles style palette.

On This Page

Special Treatment for Subsections

Occasionally, document chapters/sections will include subsections with separate author bylines. For those subsections, the Body Text paragraph style should be used for the subsection author names, not the Chapter Author style.

Likewise, in chapter/section subsections, regular heading and Body Text paragraph styles should be used for Acknowledgments, Abstracts, and so on.


Be sure to include the subsection authors on the title page (styled as Chapter Editors) so that the author metadata are captured in the XML.

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