Front Style Examples

Content at the start of a document should be styled using items on the Front tab of the eXtyles style palette. This section describes how to correctly style the front sections of your content.

Table of Contents

Title Page Information

The following items may appear on the title page of WTO documents. Note that the only required item is Document Title; other items may or may not be present.

Bold items in the following list are styles that will not be carried through to the XML during the Export process. These items are redundant with metadata that is captured in the eXtyles Document Information dialog, but may be required in the Word document to create PDF.

  • Document Title

  • Document Subtitle

  • Document Type

  • Document Country

  • Document Date

  • Document Version

Document Title, Subtitle, and Type



1<book-title-group> 2<book-title>UNITED STATES</book-title> 3<subtitle>TARIFF MEASURES ON CERTAIN GOODS FROM CHINA</subtitle> 4</book-title-group>

Alternatively, the report subtitle may be run-in to the title following a colon. In this case the entire line should be styled as Document Title, and the Document Subtitle style will not be used.

Note that in this example, Document Type (Doc_type) is dropped from the XML.

Document Type is captured as metadata in the eXtyles Document Information dialog.

Document Country and Version



1<custom-meta-group id="meta-main"> 2<custom-meta><meta-name>DocCountry</meta-name><meta-value>Switzerland and Liechtenstein</meta-value></custom-meta> 3<custom-meta><meta-name>Version</meta-name><meta-value>Revision</meta-value></custom-meta> 4</custom-meta-group>

Note that the country and version information is moved to a <custom-meta> element in the XML.

Document Date



1<book-meta> 2<subj-group subj-group-type="report-date-range"><subject>(MID-OCTOBER 2019 TO MID-MAY 2020)</subject></subj-group> 3</book-meta>

Document Date is moved to a <subj-group> element in <book-meta>. Note that the identifying attribute subj-group-type="report-date-range" is automatically added.

Cover Text and Notes

Some WTO documents will include text immediately following the title information and preceding the table of contents. This content should be styled using the Cover Text and Cover Notes styles, as appropriate. For example,



1<front-matter> 2<front-matter-part> 3<named-book-part-body> 4<p>This report, prepared for the fifth joint Trade Policy Review of Switzerland and Liechtenstein, has been drawn up by the WTO&#x00A0;Secretariat on its own responsibility. The Secretariat has, as required by the Agreement establishing the Trade Policy Review Mechanism (Annex 3 of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization), sought clarification from Switzerland and Liechtenstein on its trade policies and practices.</p> 5<p>Any technical questions arising from this report may be addressed to Mr&#x00A0;Thomas Friedheim (tel: 022 739 5083); Mr&#x00A0;John Finn (tel: 022 739 5081); Mr&#x00A0;Cato Adrian (tel: 022 739 5469); Mr&#x00A0;Pierre Latrille (tel: 022 739 5266); Ms&#x00A0;Takako Ikezuki (tel: 022 739 5534); Ms&#x00A0;Anna Caroline M&#x00FC;ller (Government Procurement &#x2013; tel: 022 739 5514) and Mr&#x00A0;Wolf Meier-Ewert (Intellectual Property - tel: 022 739 6344).</p> 6<p>Document WT/TPR/G/355 contains the policy statement submitted by Switzerland and Liechtenstein.</p> 7<p>Note: This report was drafted in English.</p> 8</named-book-part-body> 9</front-matter-part>

Front Matter Content

Other front matter content that follows the table of contents - with the exception of Foreword content - should be styled using the Front Matter Title, Front Matter Heading, and Front Matter Text paragraph styles. This can include, Summary, Introduction (if not a part of the document body), or other front sections. For example,



1<front-matter-part book-part-type="SUMMARY"> 2<book-part-meta> 3<title-group> 4<title>SUMMARY</title> 5</title-group> 6</book-part-meta> 7<named-book-part-body> 8<p>1. The trade regimes of Switzerland and Liechtenstein remain generally open, except in agriculture, which continues to be protected with high import tariffs levied on sensitive products. Switzerland and Liechtenstein continue to be strong supporters of a rules-based multilateral trading system and, during difficult times for the global economy, they advocate further trade liberalization. The last joint TPR of Switzerland and Liechtenstein took place in 2013.</p>

Note that eXtyles will automatically add the relevant book-part-type to the <front-matter-part>; in this case, "SUMMARY".

Foreword Text

Foreword content has its own paragraph styles distinct from Front Matter Text. Be sure to use Foreword Title and Foreword Text, as appropriate. For example,



1<foreword> 2<book-part-meta> 3<title-group> 4<title>Foreword by the WTO Director-General</title> 5</title-group> 6</book-part-meta> 7<named-book-part-body> 8<sec><title/> 9<p>Services are often largely overlooked in discussions on global trade, yet they account for the majority of trade in many developed economies and are growing rapidly in many developing economies as well. This is perhaps because services are less tangible and the issues surrounding services trade are often more complex. This report therefore sets out to demystify trade in services. It aims to shed new light on this essential part of global trade, provide a detailed picture of trade in services today and consider how it might evolve in the coming years, particularly as new technologies make some services increasingly tradeable.</p> 10<sig-block> 11<sig>Roberto Azev&#x00EA;do</sig> 12<sig>Director-General</sig> 13</sig-block> 14</sec> 15</named-book-part-body> 16</foreword>