Body Style Examples

Content in the document body should be styled using items on the Body tab of the eXtyles style palette. This section describes how to correctly style the body section of your content.

Table of Contents

In an XML workflow it is important to ensure that sections of a document are organized in correct hierarchical order; for example, the Heading 2 style should never be used before Heading 1, because Heading 2 denotes a section that is subordinate to a main section (indicated with Heading 1).

Heading levels should therefore not be used because they “look right,” but, rather, because they reflect the correct structure of the document.

Document Headings

Document subheadings should be used to impose correct structure on the document. For example, the first heading in the body of a document (that is not a Section Title) should always be Heading 1, followed by Heading 2, Heading 3, and so on, as appropriate.

Subheadings will “nest” into their parent section during XML export, which ensures that the proper document structure is maintained.

Numbered Headings 1-6

The paragraph styles Heading 1 through Heading 6 on the Body tab of the eXtyles palette are formatted to apply auto-numbering per the appropriate heading level and per the appropriate section. For example,



1<body> 2 <sec id="sec1"> 3 <label>1</label><title>ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT</title> 4 <sec id="sec1.1"> 5 <label>1.1</label><title>Main Features of the Economy</title> 6 <p>1.1.&#x00A0;&#x00A0;Switzerland is a high-income country whose wealth is highly dependent on international trade....</p> 7 </sec> 8 </sec> 9</body>

In the example, you can see that the Heading 2 section (<sec>) is “nested” within the Heading 1 section; that is, Heading 1’s <sec> does not close (</sec>) before Heading 2’s <sec> begins.

Note also that the heading numbers are automatically correctly tagged as <label> in the XML, and a section id is automatically added to the XML for each section; for example, heading 1.1 has id="sec1.1".

Headings 3-6 behave similarly, with appropriate auto-numbering applied in Word and correct section nesting and id’s assigned in the XML.

Unnumbered Headings 2-9

eXtyles also supports unnumbered headings that may appear in documents. Starting with heading level 2, you can use the Heading 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Unnumbered options on the Body tab of the style palette to style unnumbered headings at the appropriate, semantically correct level. By default, the styles Heading 7, Heading 8, and Heading 9 are not numbered.



1<sec id="sec1.2"> 2<label>1.2</label><title>Recent Economic Developments</title> 3<p>1.3.&#x00A0;&#x00A0;The Swiss economy has shown resilience in a difficult environment, faced with headwinds from the economic problems in the euro zone and a strong Swiss franc. Since the last trade policy review in 2013, the economy has continued to grow (1.5% on average during the period 2013-15), accompanied by low unemployment (in the range of 4-4.5%, based on ILO methodology) (<xref ref-type="table" rid="t01.01">Table 1.1</xref>).</p> 4<sec> 5<title>Monetary policy</title> 6<p>1.4.&#x00A0;&#x00A0;In the course of 2011, the debt crisis in the euro zone and a high degree of uncertainty in the financial markets triggered a flight to safe havens by investors, which prompted a strong appreciation of the Swiss franc (<italic>vis&#x2011;&#x00E0;&#x2011;vis</italic> the euro...</p> 7</sec> 8</sec>

Body Text Styles

Five Body Text styles are available on the eXtyles style palette. Each should be used deliberately to achieve correct XML.

Body Text

Body Text should be used on all regular, numbered body text paragraphs on a document. It is formatted to apply auto-numbering to the paragraphs on which it is used.

eXtyles will automatically apply the Body Text style to body text paragraphs in the document when the Auto Style Body Text option is selected in the Cleanup dialog.



1<p>2.1.&#x00A0;&#x00A0;The Swiss Confederation is a federal State comprising 26 cantons, according to the Federal Constitution of 18&#x00A0;April&#x00A0;1999....</p> 2<p>2.2.&#x00A0;&#x00A0;At the federal level, legislative power is vested in the bicameral Federal Assembly, comprising a National Council and a Council of States....</p>

Note that, unlike headings, the paragraph numbers are not marked up as <label>. This is because the BITS DTD does not allow for labeled paragraphs.

Body Text (Centered)

Use Body Text (Centered) to center-align body text in the Word document.


In the XML, content styled as Body Text (Centered) will include a content-type attribute, which will allow the text to be rendered centered during layout, if desired.


1<sec> 2<title>2&#x00A0;&#x00A0;OVERVIEW</title> 3<sec id="sec2.1"> 4<label>2.1</label><title>Developing economies trade in real terms</title> 5<p content-type="center">Strong fluctuations in world trade and GDP affected both developing and developed economies from 2016 to 2018.</p> 6<p>2.1.&#x00A0;&#x00A0; During the period 2016-2018, world trade and GDP fluctuated strongly ...</p> 7...

Body Text (Unnumbered)

Use Body Text (Unnumbered) any time you have Body Text that should not be numbered.


The Body Text (Unnumbered) paragraph style will not apply auto-numbering to the text paragraph, and the XML markup will be identical to regular numbered Body Text.


1<sec> 2<title>1&#x00A0;&#x00A0;INTRODUCTION</title> 3<p>This document has been prepared by the Secretariat to assist the Committee on Trade and Development (CTD) in meeting its requirement...</p> 4...

Body Text (Emphasis)

Use Body Text (Emphasis) to achieve a bold/italic look in the Word document.


In the XML, content styled as Body Text (Emphasis) will include a content-type attribute, which will allow the text to be set different from regular body text during layout, if desired.


1<sec id="sec2.2"> 2<label>2.2</label><title>Developing economies trade in nominal terms</title> 3<p content-type="emphasis">In value terms, merchandise trade of developing economies was more volatile than world trade as well as than commercial services trade.</p> 4<p>2.6.&#x00A0;&#x00A0; Merchandise trade growth of developing economies...</p> 5...

Body Text 2 and Body Text 3

WTO documents occasionally have body text paragraphs that may be labeled with lowercase letters or lowercase Roman numerals. To ensure that these text paragraphs include the correct label and are exported with the correct markup, the Body Text 2 and Body Text 3 styles must be used.

Importantly, auto-numbering is not used with Body Text 2 and 3 styles. This is to allow the flexibility to use any label for these paragraphs; for example, Body Text 2 may be lowercase letters in one document, as shown below, and it may be lowercase letters in parenthesis in another document.



1<p>3.129.&#x00A0;&#x00A0;At the federal level, Switzerland has five state-owned enterprises that are wholly owned ... In terms of performance:</p> 2 <list id="L4" list-type="alpha-lower"> 3 <list-item><label>a</label><p>Swisscom has been profitable in recent years (2014, 2015) without any federal subsidies...</p></list-item> 4 <list-item><label>b</label><p>In the last few years, Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) yielded profits...</p></list-item> 5 <list-item><label>c</label><p>Swiss Post was profitable in 2014 and 2015, mainly due to the performance...</p></list-item> 6 </list> 7<p>3.130.&#x00A0;&#x00A0;Switzerland does not have a privatization agenda...</p>

Note that the Body Text 2 paragraphs are exported with <list> markup. The list-type is correctly, automatically captured as "alpha-lower", and the <label>s are also present.

Body Text 2 Continued should be used when a Body Text 2 paragraph is interrupted by an object, such as an equation, and continues after the object. For example,



1<list-item><label>b</label><p>In the last few years, Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) yielded profits (SwF 373&#x00A0;million in 2014 and SwF 246&#x00A0;million 2015). 2 <disp-formula id="e"><italic>a </italic>+ <italic>b </italic>= <italic>c</italic></disp-formula></p> 3 <p>SBB received subsidies for three purposes: ...</p> 4</list-item>

The use of the Body Text 2 Continued style for the paragraph following the equation ensures that the closing paragraph is included in the same <list-item> as the first paragraph.

Likewise, Body Text 3 and Body Text 3 Continued can be used for paragraphs that are subordinate to Body Text 2 paragraphs; for example,



1 <list id="L4" list-type="alpha-lower"> 2 <list-item><label>a</label><p>Swisscom has been profitable in recent years (2014, 2015)...</p></list-item> 3 <list-item><label>b</label><p>In the last few years, Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) yielded profits...</p> 4 <list id="L5" list-type="roman-lower"> 5 <list-item><label>i</label><p>infrastructure (major share of the subsidies, co-financed by public long-term loans...</p></list-item> 6 <list-item><label>ii</label><p>regional passenger transport services; and </p></list-item> 7 <list-item><label>iii</label><p>goods transport services. In total, SBB and its subsidiaries received...</p></list-item> 8 </list> 9 </list-item> 10 <list-item><label>c</label><p>Swiss Post was profitable in 2014 and 2015, mainly due to the performance ...</p></list-item> 11 </list> 12<p>3.130.&#x00A0;&#x00A0;Switzerland does not have a privatization agenda...</p>

Note that the Body Text 3 style is given the correct attribute list-type="roman-lower", and that it is nested within the preceding Body Text 2 <list-item>.

Quotations and Lists

WTO documents occasionally include quotations and bulleted lists. These items should be styled with the correct paragraph style from the eXtyles style palette.


Quotations (extracts) should be styled using the Quotation set of styles on the Body tab of the palette. For example,



1<p>1.6.&#x00A0;&#x00A0;The Panel's terms of reference are the following:</p> 2 <disp-quote> 3 <p>To examine, in the light of the relevant provisions of the covered agreements cited by the parties to the dispute, the matter referred to the DSB by China in document WT/DS543/7 and to make such findings as will assist the DSB in making the recommendations or in giving the rulings provided for in those agreements.<xref ref-type="fn" rid="fn8"><sup>8</sup></xref><fn id="fn8"><label>8</label><p> Constitution Note of the Panel, WT/DS543/8, para.&#x00A0;2.</p></fn></p> 4 </disp-quote> 5<p>1.7.&#x00A0;&#x00A0;On 24&#x00A0;May&#x00A0;2019, China requested the Director-General to determine the composition...</p>

More complex quotations may include lists and notes. In those instances, the appropriate quotation styles should be used; for example,



1<p>7.37.&#x00A0;&#x00A0;China's panel request reads, in relevant parts:</p> 2 <disp-quote> 3 <p>The measures at issue in this request include the actions taken by the United&#x00A0;States, based on the USTR's investigation into China's acts, policies, and practices related to technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 and pursuant to sections 301(b), 301(c), and 304(a) of the Trade Act of 1974 and the direction made in the President's statement to impose an additional ad valorem duty upon certain imported products of Chinese origin. The above mentioned actions include:</p> 4 <p>1. An additional 25% duty <italic>ad valorem</italic> on approximately $34 billion worth of imports from China announced by the USTR on 15&#x00A0;June&#x00A0;2018 and implemented by the Federal Register notice of 20&#x00A0;June&#x00A0;2018 (<italic>Notice of Action and Request for Public Comment Concerning Proposed Determination of Action Pursuant to Section 301: China's Acts, Policies and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property and Innovation</italic>, (83 Fed. Reg. 28,710)); and</p> 5 <p>2. An additional 10% duty <italic>ad valorem</italic> on approximately $200 billion worth of imports from China implemented on 24&#x00A0;September&#x00A0;2018, and the rate of additional duty will increase to 25% ad valorem on 1&#x00A0;January&#x00A0;2019,[<sup>13</sup>] according to the announcement by the USTR on 21&#x00A0;September&#x00A0;2018 (<italic>Notice of Modification of Section 301 Action: China's Acts, Policies and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property and Innovation</italic>, (83 Fed. Reg. 47,974)).<xref ref-type="fn" rid="fn84"><sup>84</sup></xref><fn id="fn84"><label>84</label><p> China's panel request, p.&#x00A0;2. (emphasis original)</p></fn></p> 6 <p><sup>13</sup> The application of this additional 25% tariff for $200 billion imported products of Chinese origin may be postponed as per the statement by the United&#x00A0;States after the bilateral meeting between China and the United&#x00A0;States on 1&#x00A0;December&#x00A0;2018 in Argentina. [&#x2026;]</p> 7 </disp-quote> 8<p>7.38.&#x00A0;&#x00A0;This statement is followed by a list of legal instruments through which, among others...</p>


Both numbered and bulleted lists should be styled using the Number/Bullet List styles on the Body tab of the eXtyles style palette. Number/Bullet List Level 1 should be used for all primary list items, and Number/Bullet List Levels 2-3 should be used as appropriate for sublist items.

Importantly, these list styles do not apply auto-numbering or auto-bullets to the list.



1<sec id="sec3"> 2<label>3</label><title>PARTIES' REQUESTS FOR FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS</title> 3<p>3.1.&#x00A0;&#x00A0; China requests that:</p> 4<list id="L2" list-type="bullet"> 5<list-item><label>&#x2022;</label><p>The Panel find that the United States has violated Article&#x00A0;I:1 of the GATT 1994 through its application of additional tariffs that apply only to products originating from China; and</p></list-item> 6<list-item><label>&#x2022;</label><p>The Panel find that the United States has violated Articles II:1(a) and (b) of the GATT 1994 through its application of additional tariffs in excess of those contained in its Schedule<xref ref-type="fn" rid="fn22"><sup>22</sup></xref><fn id="fn22"> 7<label>22</label><p> China's first written submission, para. 79.</p></fn>.</p></list-item></list> 8<p>3.2.&#x00A0;&#x00A0; China further requests that the Panel recommend that the United States bring...</p>

The same list style can be used for both bulleted and numbered lists and eXtyles will automatically identify the type of list in the XML from the label that is used. In the above XML example, list-type="bullet" was automatically determined by eXtyles from the bullet character used in the Word document.

Unlabeled lists should be styled using the Unnumbered List Levels 1 and 2 styles.