Document elements that appear at the end of the report (i.e., they are not part of the main body of the report) should be styled using options on the Back tab of the eXtyles style palette; for example, references and appendices (annexes).

Table of Contents

Annexes (Appendices)

Annex Text and Annex Headings must be styled using the specific Annex styles that appear on the Back tab of the palette. Paragraph styles from the Body or Object tab may be used to style other content; for example, lists, figures, or tables.



1<book-back> 2<book-app-group> 3... 4<book-app id="a8"> 5<book-part-meta> 6<title-group> 7<label>Appendix 8</label><title>Composition of reporter and partner groups</title> 8</title-group> 9</book-part-meta> 10<body> 11<sec> 12<title>DEVELOPING ECONOMIES include</title> 13<p><bold>Latin America (including the Caribbean): </bold></p> 14<list id="L25" list-type="bullet"> 15<list-item><label>&#x2022;</label><p>Mexico (classified within North America in the World Trade Statistical Review publication);</p></list-item> 16<list-item><label>&#x2022;</label><p><italic><underline>Central America</underline>:</italic> Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama;</p></list-item> 17<list-item><label>&#x2022;</label><p><italic><underline>South America</underline>:</italic> Argentina; Bolivia, Plurinational State of; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Ecuador; Guyana; Paraguay; Peru; Suriname; Uruguay; Venezuela, Bolivarian&#x00A0;Republic&#x00A0;of;</p></list-item> 18<list-item><label>&#x2022;</label><p>The Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba (the Netherlands with respect to), Bahamas, Barbados, Cayman Islands; Cuba, Cura&#x00E7;ao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint&#x00A0;Lucia, Saint Maarten, Saint&#x00A0;Vincent&#x00A0;and the Grenadines; and Trinidad and Tobago.</p></list-item> 19<list-item><label>&#x2022;</label><p>Other countries and territories in Latin America n.e.s.</p></list-item></list> 20<p><bold>Developing Europe: </bold></p> 21<p>Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Montenegro; North Macedonia; Serbia; and Turkey.</p> 22... 23</book-app> 24</book-app-group> 25</book-back>

Occasionally, annex sections are comprised entirely of tables; this is supported in an eXtyles workflow. In the following example, the appendix includes only tables A1.1 through A4.2.



1<book-app-group> 2<book-app id="a"><book-part-meta> 3<title-group> 4<label>APPENDIX</label><title>TABLES</title> 5</title-group> 6</book-part-meta> 7<body> 8<table-wrap id="tA1.1" position="float"> 9<label>Table A1.1</label><caption><title>Merchandise exports by product group, 2012-15</title> 10</caption> 11... 12<table-wrap id="tA.4" orientation="landscape" position="float"> 13<label>Table A4.2</label><caption><title>WTO tariff quotas for agricultural products, 2015 and 2016</title> 14</caption> 15... 16</book-app> 17</book-app-group>


Some WTO documents contain references, and the reference section of the document should be styled using the References Title and References paragraph styles; for example,



1<book-back> 2<ref-list> 3<title>REFERENCES</title> 4<ref id="r1"><mixed-citation publication-type="web">COMCO (2009), "Evaluation of the Cartel Act", <italic>Synthesis Report</italic>. Viewed at: <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href=""></ext-link>.</mixed-citation></ref> 5<ref id="r2"><mixed-citation publication-type="web"><person-group person-group-type="author"><collab>COMCO</collab></person-group> (<year>2013</year>), <source><italic>Annual Report on Competition Policy Developments in Switzerland</italic>.</source> Viewed at: <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href=""></ext-link>.</mixed-citation></ref> 6<ref id="r3"><mixed-citation publication-type="web"><person-group person-group-type="author"><collab>COMCO</collab></person-group> (<year>2014</year>), <source>Annual Report on Competition Policy Developments in Switzerland.</source> Viewed at: <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href=""></ext-link>.</mixed-citation></ref> 7<ref id="r4"><mixed-citation publication-type="web"><person-group person-group-type="author"><collab>COMCO</collab></person-group> (<year>2015</year>), <source>Annual Report on Competition Policy Developments in Switzerland.</source> Viewed at: <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href=""></ext-link>.</mixed-citation></ref> 8<ref id="r5"><mixed-citation publication-type="web">Council of the European Union (2016), <italic>Council conclusions on a homogeneous extended single market and EU relations with Non&#x2011;EU Western European countries</italic>, Brussels, 13 December. Viewed at: <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href=""></ext-link>.</mixed-citation></ref> 9... 10</ref-list>

Note that eXtyles will use the information contained within the reference-type tags in the Word document to produce, for example, the publication-type in the XML: <mixed-citation publication-type="web">.