eXtyles can support the inclusion of supplement text by the use of the Supplement Start, Supplement Head, and Supplement End styles on the Front tab of the eXtyles style palette.
Supplement content can be added to the original Word document in the appropriate location; for example,
The supplement text is added to the document and styled normally. The beginning and end of the supplement content is indicated by using the Supplement Start and Supplement End paragraph styles.
Supplement Start and Supplement End paragraphs must contain text. The start and end paragraphs are dropped during XML export, so they do not appear in the XML.
The content within the start and end supplement paragraphs will be tagged in the XML as <supp-text><instruction-content>, and then whatever is appropriate for the actual content (e.g., <para>, <list-item>, <admon>, etc.). For example, the above Word example exports as:
<para type="flush" style="last-para"><supp-text><instruction-content><para type="flush" style="last-para">However, the law excludes, as employees for minimum-wage purposes, ...</para></instruction-content></supp-text>Special minimum rates may be paid to golf caddies, ....</para>
Notice that the supplement content is contained within the primary text paragraph, and the start and end supplement paragraphs are not present.
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