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Closeup screenshot of the 'Auto-Style' section of the Cleanup dialog with all option selectedImage RemovedCloseup screenshot of the 'Auto-Style' section of the Cleanup dialog with all option selectedImage Added

Tip! The eXtyles Auto-Style Regular Body Paragraphs with Style option in the Cleanup dialog can be set to automatically apply your organization’s custom body paragraph style to all regular body paragraphs in the Word file.

This can dramatically reduce the time spent manually applying paragraph styles to the manuscript.


Check out our free webinar eXtyles Auto-Style: The (not so) secret weapon for speedy document processing to get all of our tips and tidbits about this section of Cleanup!

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This Cleanup function distinguishes between regular body paragraphs and “special paragraphs” to prevent the incorrect auto-styling of headings, equations, and other non-body paragraph types.

A paragraph is deemed a “special paragraph” and is not auto-styled by eXtyles if it meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • The paragraph is styled as MTDisplayEquation (i.e., a MathType Display or Right-numbered equation), Footnote Text, or Endnote Text. To configure this criterion, please contact your eXtyles representative.

  • The paragraph is not a Body Text level paragraph in Word’s Outline view.

  • The paragraph begins with a left indent.

  • The paragraph is centered or right-aligned.

  • The entire paragraph is in the selected font for Preformatted text (e.g., Courier - this font can be preset in your configuration or can be selected from the Cleanup dialog) or in the font of Word’s HTML Preformatted style. To configure this criterion, please contact Inera.

  • The entire paragraph is styled with an ALL CAPS or small caps font or character style.

  • The paragraph is shorter than the default 60 characters and ends with a period.

  • The paragraph is manually entered in all capital letters and is shorter than the default 60 characters. To configure this criterion, please contact Inera.

  • The paragraph starts with a lower-case letter.

  • The paragraph starts with a space.

  • The paragraph starts with an inline shape (e.g., Word drawing object).

  • The paragraph starts with a word that suggests a table or figure caption (e.g., “Table”, “Figure”, “Fig.”, “Plate”), followed by punctuation (period, colon, em or en dash or hyphen), a table or figure number followed by punctuation, or the end of the paragraph. The lists of title words include words for “figure” and “table” in a number of languages; to configure these lists, please contact Inera.

  • The first character of the paragraph is bold, italic, superscript, raised, or lowered.

  • The first character of the paragraph is a digit.

  • The first character of the paragraph is a special character in a special character font (e.g., Symbol). Special characters include but are not limited to: opening parentheses, square brackets, angle brackets and braces, asterisks, daggers, raised dots, dashes, and bullets.

  • The first character of the paragraph is an opening parenthesis, square bracket, angle bracket or brace, asterisk, raised dot, or dash and is not in a special character font.