eXtyles User Documentation

Welcome to the eXtyles User Guide!

The eXtyles family solutions allow publishers to automate the most time-consuming aspects of:

  • document cleanup

  • formatting

  • editing

  • producing accurate XML

All eXtyles processes are run in Microsoft Word.

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In this documentation…

You’ll find:

  • a comprehensive overview of eXtyles

    • each function in the eXtyles process

    • all available modules

  • user documentation specific to eXtyles JATS and eXtyles STS

  • user documentation for eXtyles Custom

Each organization's configuration of eXtyles is unique!

You may not have access to every feature detailed in the documentation.

Each feature will be labeled with the configuration that it is included in and where it is available as a purchasable add-on.

eXtyles Technical Support

If you don't find the answers you're looking for in this documentation, eXtyles end-user technical support is ready to help!

Website/FAQs: http://support.extyles.com/support/home

Email: extyles-support@inera.com

Phone: 617-932-1932 (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Eastern US & Canada, M-F)

Be sure to include sample documents with your query, including both the original ($original) and eXtyles processed versions.


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