Front Style Examples

Content at the start of a document should be styled using items on the Front tab of the eXtyles style palette. This section describes how to correctly style the front sections of your content.

Report Title, Subtitle, and Suggested Citation and Footer Titles

The report title and subtitle (if present) can be styled using the following from the Front tab of the eXtyles style palette.

Which produces the following XML:

<book-title-group> <book-title>Optimal Use of Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery</book-title> <subtitle>A Health Technology Assessment</subtitle> </book-title-group>

Alternatively, the report subtitle may be run-in to the title following a colon. In this case the entire line should be styled as Report Title, and the Report Subtitle style will not be used.

The Suggested Citation Title should be used if the title that will appear in the suggested citation is different in any way from the report title on the title page. For example, if the title as it appears in the suggested citation will be sentence case rather than title case, the Suggested Citation Title should be used:

Which will produce the following XML:

<book-title-group> <book-title>Sedative Agents During Medical Procedures: Guidelines</book-title> <alt-title alt-title-type="sentence-case"><italic toggle="yes">Sedative agents during medical procedures: Guidelines</italic></alt-title> </book-title-group>

The Short (Footer) Title paragraph style should be used for documents in which a short version of the document title will appear in the footer of the document during layout. The export will create a short title element that will be used by Typefi in order to create the document footer. See below for an example of the Short (Footer) Title paragraph style:

Which will produce the following XML:

<book-title-group> <book-title>Clinical classification and clinical interventions for Post COVID-19 condition: a Scoping Review &#x2013; Project Protocol</book-title> <alt-title alt-title-type="short-title">Post COVID-19 condition</alt-title> </book-title-group>

Authors, Group Authors, Contributors, and Affiliations


A report that has authors listed will need to have those author names placed immediately below the report title (or, subtitle). Any affiliations associated with the authors should be placed following the author names, on their own lines and styled with the Affiliations paragraph style. For example:

During Author Processing, parts of the author line are identified with unique character styles, which produces the following XML:

Group Authors

Some CADTH reports have authors that belong to specific groups; for example, Clinical Review Authors and Economic Evaluation Authors. These author names should also be placed immediately after the report title (or, subtitle), and the name of the group to which the authors belong should prefix the author line; for example,

As with standard author lines, eXtyles Author Processing will automatically apply character styles to the parts of the authors' names. In this case, affiliation numbers are also identified and styled. However, eXtyles Author Processing is unable to automatically style the group name, shown with blue highlighting in the above example.

This author group information will need to be styled manually. To do this, with your cursor highlight the author group information and select the au_group style from the style drop-down menu on the eXtyles ribbon to apply the correct style:

The resulting XML will look like this:

Contributors and Contributor Details

Some reports may list contributors to the report who are distinct from the authors; for example, reviewers. For these contributors, use the Contributor Name and Contributor Details paragraph styles.

This ensures that the markup in the XML will include appropriate specific-use attributes that the layout software can use to set the contributors correctly.



Author affiliations should be placed immediately after the author (or, group author) lines. eXtyles Author Processing will style the affiliation number, and during XLM export the affiliation number will be associated (linked) with the proper affiliation.

Cover and Boilerplate Text

Cover Text

Some CADTH reports will include summary text on the cover that will be displayed with a black marginal bar in the PDF. So that this cover text can be rendered correctly, the XML will need to include distinctive markup. To achieve this, use the Cover Heading 1, Cover Text, and Cover List Level 1 styles, as appropriate. For example,

Produces the following XML (note the book-part-type="cover-text" attribute for the front-matter-part, which indicates that this text is a separate design element from other front content):

Boilerplate Text

Boilerplate content in the front matter should be styled using the Boilerplate style. This ensures that a unique identifier is included in the XML, which will facilitate the correct layout of the content in the PDF. For example,

Will produce the following XML (note the book-part-type="boilerplate" attribute for the front-matter-part):

Abbreviations and Glossary

Lists of abbreviations should not be formatted in tables; rather, they should be formatted as lists with a tab or other strong character separating the term from the definition. For example,

During XML export, eXtyles will automatically mark the term and the definition:

Glossary sections should be styled with the appropriate glossary styles on the Front tab of the eXtyles style palette:

Again, note that the term and definition section is not formatted as a table. The resulting XML is: