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Letter to the Editor with Related Article

A letter to the editor submitted in response to a published article should be activated with the Article Type specified as "letter" and the Related Article type specified as "commentary-article".

In the body of the letter, a paragraph containing the reference to the article being commented on should be included, and it should be styled with the button labeled "Related Article" on the Front tab of the paragraph styling palette.

After the Bibliographic Reference Processing has been run, the related article paragraph will be parsed in the same manner as a paragraph in an article’s reference list. If a PMID or DOI for the original article can be identified, links will be added during those advanced processes.

Screenshot in Draft View of a tagged journal reference styled as 'Related_Article'

This example yields the following XML:

Code Block
<related-article related-article-type="commentary-article" id="ra1" journal-id="Parasitology" vol="127" page="S87" xlink:href="10.1017/S0031182003004153" ext-link-type="doi"></related-article>

Letter to the Editor with Reply

A document containing both a letter to the editor and a reply letter should be activated as in the preceding section, Letter to the Editor with Related Article: the Article Type should be specified as "letter" and the Related Article type specified as "commentary-article."

The article ID of the letter to the editor should be specified as the Article ID in the Document Information Dialog.

Because the letter and reply are separate items, you must add a tag from the eXtyles Insert Tag menu that marks the boundary between the two items.

To insert the <reply> tag:

  1. Place the cursor just before the first start of the reply

  2. Select Reply from the eXtyles Insert Tag menu (if this tag is available).

If the reply does not have an ID that differs from the letter, you do not need to make any further change to the tag. However, if the reply has an ID that is different from the letter, the ID should be typed between the tags <reply> and </reply>, as shown later in this section.

If a letter is accompanied by more than one reply, you just need to add the <reply> tag at the start of each additional reply.

If a reply is part of the same Word (and XML file) as the letter, no related article paragraph need be used for the reply. However, if it is published in a separate XML file, then a related article paragraph must be set up in the same manner as shown previously for the letter.

The following paragraphs form a model of a Word file containing a letter and a reply:

Screenshot in Draft View of a Letter to the Editor showing how the 'reply' tag and the article ID are used to link the reply to the letterImage Modified

The XML generated from this document would include the following (some of the document metadata tags have been omitted from this example):

Code Block
<article-title>Letter to the Editor</article-title>
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<name name-style="western"><surname>Rosenblum</surname><given-names>Bruce</given-names></name>
<aff id="aff-1-1">Inera Inc.</aff>
<related-article page="45" vol="56" journal-id="Inera Med J." id="ra1" related-article-type="commentary-article"></related-article>
<p>Dear Editor,</p>
<p>I take issue with the article published in volume 56, page 45, of your publication.</p>
<response xml:lang="en" id="sa1" response-type="reply">
<article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id">LE54321</article-id>
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<name name-style="western"><surname>Blake</surname><given-names>Liz</given-names></name>
<aff id="aff-2-1">Inera Inc.</aff>
<p>Dear Correspondent:</p>
<p>I hereby reply to your letter.</p>

Alternate Forms for the <related-article> Element

The <related-article> element can be represented in two ways, depending on your eXtyles configuration.

In the previous example, the article details are given in a number of attributes of the <related-article> tag:

Code Block
<related-article page="45" vol="56" journal-id="Inera Med J." id="ra1" related-article-type="commentary-article"></related-article>

The alternative is for the related article to be represented by the full contents of the Related_Article paragraph, as shown in the next example:

Screenshot in Draft View of a tagged journal reference styled as 'Related_Article'

would yield this XML:

Code Block
<related-article id="ra1" related-article-type="commentary-article">
<string-name><surname>Vuitton</surname> <given-names>DA</given-names></string-name>, <string-name><surname>Zhou</surname> <given-names>H</given-names></string-name>, <string-name><surname>Bresson-Hadni</surname> <given-names>S</given-names></string-name>, <string-name><surname>Wang</surname> <given-names>Q</given-names></string-name>, <string-name><surname>Piarroux</surname> <given-names>M</given-names></string-name>, <string-name><surname>Raoul</surname> <given-names>F</given-names></string-name>, <etal/>
<article-title>Epidemiology of alveolar echinoccosis with particular reference to China and Europe.</article-title>
<source>Parasitology</source>. <year>2003</year>;
<pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">15027607</pub-id></related-article>