An erratum manuscript should be activated with the Article Type specified as "correction" and the Related Article Type specified as "corrected-article" in the Document Information dialog.
In the body of the document, include a paragraph containing a reference to the article being corrected.
This reference paragraph should be styled with the button labeled "Related Article" (in most configurations) on the paragraph styling palette.
After the Bibliographic Reference Processing has been run, the related article paragraph will be parsed in the same manner as a paragraph in an article’s reference list. If a PMID or DOI for the original article can be identified, links will be added during PubMed Reference Linking and/or Crossref Reference Linking.
Here is an example of how a “Related Article” paragraph would look in the reference list post-Bibliographic Reference Processing:
When exported, this example yields the following XML:
<related-article related-article-type="corrected-article" id="ra1" journal-id="Standard Genomic Sci" vol="1" page="308" xlink:href="10.4056/sigs.51657" ext-link-type="doi"></related-article>
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