Book Reviews

A book review manuscript should be activated with the Article Type specified as "book review" in the Document Information dialog.

Once the document is activated, the bibliographic information for the reviewed work should be split into three paragraphs:

  • one for the reviewed work author

  • one for the reviewed work title

  • one for the reviewed work publication information

These paragraphs should be styled with the styling palette using the "Book Review - Book Authors", "Book Review - Book Title", and "Book Review - Book Information" buttons on the Front tab, respectively (or their equivalents in your eXtyles configuration).

The following three paragraphs demonstrate styled and processed book review paragraphs. The character styles corresponding to author first name and author surname have also been applied to the reviewed work’s author during the advanced process Author Processing.

Screenshot of Draft View in Word with three paragraphs showing - character-styled and paragraph-styled 'Book_Review_Authors,' 'Book_Review_Title,' and 'Book_Review_Info'

This example yields the following XML:

<product product-type="book"> <person-group person-group-type="author"> <name><surname>Heller</surname><given-names>Richard</given-names></name> <name><surname>Jones</surname><given-names>Brian</given-names></name> </person-group> <source>Evidence for population health</source> <year>2005</year> <publisher-loc>New York (NY)</publisher-loc> <publisher-name>Oxford University Press</publisher-name> <year>2005</year> <size units="page">126 pages</size> <isbn>0-19-852974-0</isbn> <price>&pound;19.95</price> </product>

eXtyles has automatically parsed the content of the Book_Review_Info paragraph into sub-elements during export.

This part of the XML should be reviewed to confirm that the sub-elements have been identified correctly; please alert eXtyles Support if this information is misparsed.

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