Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This section illustrates how paragraph styles should be used in standards documents processed with eXtyles STS. The paragraph styles included in this guide are named as they appear on the eXtyles Paragraph Style palette.


The eXtyles STS Paragraph Style can be customized for your organization. If you don't see a paragraph style you think you need or would like to rename or reorganize a button on the palette, contact Inera for more information at

titleOn This Page

Table of Contents


In addition to facilitating the application of paragraph styles, the eXtyles style palette enables quick and flexible navigation through your document via the controls on the bottom of the palette. By using these controls to navigate through and manipulate your content, you can remain within the style palette, which allows you to move more efficiently through the document.


Underlined letters on the palette buttons designate hot keys. For example, when the style palette is active (i.e., you have clicked into it) you can type "x" on your keyboard to skip to the next paragraph, or "d" to delete a paragraph.

If you don't see the underlined hot keys when you open the eXtyles style palette you may need to adjust your Windows Ease of Access settings. See Inera's FAQ, "Paragraph styling menu hotkeys are missing in Word 2013 and 2016" for instructions about how to adjust these settings.

With prevClick “With prev” to merge the selected paragraph with the previous one (the carriage return between them is replaced with a space). Use this function to merge an unwanted heading into the paragraph following it, for instance, or if two paragraphs are separate but should be one 
New pgraf

Click “New pgraf” to insert a return after the first sentence of the paragraph, creating two paragraphs from one.

This feature is designed primarily to allow faster formatting of run-in heads. The new paragraph will be created after the first period, colon, question mark, hyphen, or en dash that is followed by a space, or an em dash (in this case, regardless of a following space). To format a two-sentence head, select “New pgraf,” apply the correct style for the heading, select “New pgraf” again, and then select “With prev.” If a paragraph does not have more than one sentence, selecting “New pgraf” will not do anything.

PreviousClick “Previous” to move the highlight to the previous paragraph.
NextClick “Next” to advance to the next paragraph without changing the style of the selected paragraph.
DeleteClick “Delete” to remove the selected paragraph from the document and advance to the next paragraph.
UndoClick “Undo” (as many times as necessary) to undo the last operations.


The “Undo” history is cleared when you click into the Word document or close the palette. The Undo button will be greyed out when the Undo history is cleared, indicating that you can not Undo the previous action from the palette.

Additional Actions

The behavior of the navigation buttons on the eXtyles style palette can be modified when used in combination with other keyboard items.


A cheat-sheet of eXtyles paragraph styling shortcuts is available in the eXtyles Tools, "eXtyles Shortcut Keys," section of this documentation.

Shift + Next (x)

If you hold Shift while clicking “Next” (or, typing the hotkey “x”), eXtyles will skip all paragraphs tagged with the current paragraph’s style, stopping at the next new paragraph style.

Shift + Table BodyIf you hold Shift while clicking the Table Body style, eXtyles will apply the table body style to the entire table; that is, all of the content formatted within Word's table cells.
TabWithin the style palette, you can use the Tab (and Shift + Tab) keys on the keyboard to switch between the different style tabs on the palette.
EscThe Esc key will close the palette.

The Paragraph Styles dialog closes automatically after the document is completely styled. If you need to close the dialog in the middle of processing, click the X box in the upper-right corner or press Esc. You can reopen this dialog at any time, and styling will continue with the paragraph where the cursor is currently located.


After you style a document, you can easily navigate through it by jumping from heading to heading using Word’s Document Map feature. To use Word’s Document Map feature, check the box in View > Navigation Pane.

Style Palette Tabs


Each document information element on the title page must have the correct corresponding paragraph style applied to it for the information to be successfully structured and labeled in the exported XML.


See here for examples of the use of Title styles.

Style NameDescription of Use
MeasurementThe paragraph indicating the measurement units used throughout the standard*
Document IDThe standard’s ID or designation string, usually how you would cite the document in your own content
EditionThe edition information, if present
DateThe specification date
SupersedesThe text “SUPERSEDES,” if present
Supersedes DesignationThe designation (or ID) of the standard that is superseded by the document
Supersedes EditionThe edition of the superseded document, if present
Supersedes DateThe date of the superseded document
Title PrefixThe prefix of the title, which usually indicates the type of document or specification
Document TitleThe primary title of the document
Document SubtitleThe subtitle of the document
Subject GroupCategorical information about the document
AuthorizationName of the authorizing organization
Standard Organization RoleText such as "Developed by" or other indicators or what role an organization had in the creation of the document
Standard OrganizationName of the organization publishing the document
Accrediting OrganizationName of the agency that accredited the publisher of the standard
Distribution InfoThe paragraph describing the intended audience of the document
Contact InfoThe contact information associated with the document
Publisher LocationThe location of the publisher
CopyrightThe copyright information
PermissionsPermissions information
ISSN/ISBNThe ISSN or ISBN, if present
Non-XML Text/GraphicsText that should not appear in the XML (e.g., table of contents)

* If a specified unit of measurement is not applicable to the document, then this style may be applied to the text “NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE” or synonymous string.


eXtyles STS includes paragraph styles for many specific parts of the front matter of standards documents.


See here for examples of the use of Front styles.

Style NameDescription of Use
AuthorParagraph containing the names of the authors of the standard
AffiliationParagraph(s) that list the authors’ affiliations
Meta-Note TitleThe title of a note that applies to the entire standard
Meta-Note TextThe text of a note that applies to the entire standard
Abstract HeadThe title “Abstract”
AbstractThe text of the abstract
KeywordsThe list of keywords
Acknowledgment HeadThe title “Acknowledgment”
AcknowledgmentThe acknowledgment text
Front Matter Head 1A front matter section level-1 heading that does not have its own specific style
Front Matter Head 2A front matter section level-2 subheading
Front Matter Head 3A front matter section level-3 subheading
Front Matter Head 4A front matter section level-4 subheading
Front Matter TextThe text of a front matter section
Non-Normative NoteNon-normative notes that may appear in the front matter
Committee TitleThe title of a committee under which members and affiliations are listed
Committee MemberThe members of a committee
Committee Member AffiliationThe affiliations of committee members
Non-XML Text/GraphicsText that should not appear in the XML (e.g., table of contents)


Styles on the Body tab should be used to style the content of the body of the standard.


See here for examples of the use of Body styles.

Style NameDescription of Use
Head 1The level-one heading that appears in stand-alone paragraphs
Head 2 - Head 6The levels 2–6 headings that appear in stand-alone paragraphs

First numbered paragraph following a Head 1; typically:

1.1 Scope. This document covers…

P3 - P6

Third- through sixth-level numbered paragraphs; typically:

1.1.1 Classification. The information covered…

ParagraphRegular body paragraphs, not those specified as a numbered or otherwise specialized paragraph
Paragraph ContinuedBody paragraphs that indicate the continuation of a specific level of paragraph
TermNumThe term number in the Terms/Definitions section; stand-alone paragraph
Term(s)The term in the Terms/Definition section
DefinitionThe definition of the term in the Terms/Definition section
Applicable Documents HeadA heading that precedes a list of applicable documents. Not the same as Heading 1; e.g., “2 Normative References”
Applicable DocumentsThe list of applicable documents (normative references)
Block QuoteA display, or block, quote
EquationAn equation that is on its own line (i.e., not in-line)
Preformatted TextComputer code or other monospace text
Numbered/Bulleted List Level 1A level one numbered/bulleted list
Figure CaptionThe caption for an image; typically includes a label (e.g., “Figure 1”)
Non-Normative NoteA non-normative note; typically includes a label (e.g., NOTE, WARNING, etc.)
Non-XML TextText that should not appear in the XML



See here for examples of the use of List styles.

Style NameDescription of Use
List TitleThe title of a list, if present; semantically distinct from a section heading (e.g., Heading 1)
Numbered/Bullet List Level 1The primary level of a bulleted or numbered list (labeled list)
Numbered/Bullet List Level 2A second-level bulleted or numbered sublist (labeled list)
Numbered/Bullet List Level 3 -5Third- through fifth-level bulleted or numbered sublist (labeled list) items
Continued List Item Level 1A continuation paragraph of a level-one list item; typically does not include a label (e.g., 1., 2.)
Continued List Item Level 2 - 5A continuation paragraph of a second- through fifth-level list item; ; typically does not include a label (e.g., 1., 2.)
Unnumbered ListAn unlabeled list; that is, a list item that does not include either a number or bullet
Term and Definition List ItemA list item that is made up of a term/definition pair; e.g., an abbreviations list or glossary
Definition List Item ContinuedA continuation paragraph for a term/definition list item
Non-Normative Note In List ItemA non-normative note paragraph that appears within either a labeled or unlabeled list
Non-XML TextText that should not appear in the XML


Term and Definition List Items must have the term and definition separated by either a tab, colon, or em dash. eXtyles will use these "separator" characters to parse the term from the definition during XML export. Absent a separator, XML export will most likely provide a warning indicating that a term and definition pair could not be determined when the Term and Definition List paragraph style has been used.


Styles on the Object tab should be used to style the components of the various object types that can appear in the standard; for example, figures, tables, and so on.


See here for examples of the use of Object styles.

Style NameDescription of Use
Table TitleThe title of a table; typically contains a label (e.g., “Table 1”)
Table Title ContinuedThe continuation paragraph of a table title, if present
Table Accessibility CaptionThe accessibility caption for a table, if present
Table HeadThe column head of a table
Table BodyThe body text of a table
Table FootnoteThe footnote(s) of a table
Figure CaptionThe caption of a figure; typically contains a label (e.g., “Figure 1”)
Figure Accessibility CaptionThe accessibility caption for a figure, if present
Figure Captioned ContinuedThe continuation paragraph of a figure caption
Figure CreditThe credit/source information for a figure; typically in a separate paragraph from the figure caption
Figure GraphicThe image itself, if present in the document
FootnoteFootnote text, if present; footnote numbers (e.g., 1., 2.) will be matched during eXtyles Citation Matching
Non-XML TextText that should not appear in the XML


Styles on the Body tab should be used to style back matter content for the standard; for example, appendices and bibliographies.


See here for examples of the use of Back styles.

Style NameDescription of Use
Appendix TitleThe title of an appendix; may or may not include the label “Appendix” or a label (e.g., “Appendix 1” or “Appendix A”)
Appendix Head 1A level-one Appendix heading that appears in stand-alone paragraphs
Appendix Head 2A level-two Appendix heading that appears in stand-alone paragraphs
Appendix Head 3A level-three Appendix heading that appears in stand-alone paragraphs
Appendix TextThe body text of an appendix
Bibliography HeadThe title of a bibliography that appears at the end of the standard
Bibliography ReferenceThe bibliography items
Non-Normative NoteA non-normative note; typically includes a label (e.g., NOTE, WARNING, etc.)
FootnoteFootnote text, if present; footnote numbers (e.g., 1., 2.) will be matched during eXtyles Citation Matching
Non-XML TextText that should not appear in the XML