Document Information Dialog
In this section
Setting Document Information
eXtyles saves and maintains this document-specific information with the document regardless of where it is shared or opened, and you can change the document information at any time by selecting Update Document Information from the eXtyles menu/ribbon.
There are two ways to fill in the information in the document information:
Manually: This is the most common way that users enter information
Automatically: With the Metadata Browse/Import feature
To manually fill out the Document Information dialog, click Activate and Normalize, and:
Select the desired Publisher and Publication from the drop-down lists.
These selections specify the style template that is attached to the document being processed. Each template contains a collection of styles specific to the publication and publisher. These settings also control the list of active dictionaries for the Auto-Redact operation and the reference template used during reference processing.Enter other information in the appropriate fields. (Note: Fields with an asterisk are required)
If desired, you can replace the current document header and footer with the information collected in the Document Information dialog.
Check the Add Document Information to Header box.
Dialog information is placed in several lines in the document header; page numbers in the form “page X of Y” are placed in the document footer.
If the box is not checked, the header and footer are left as the author typed them.Click OK to save the document-specific information.
A Customized Feature with Common Elements
Because the Document Information dialog collects metadata unique to each publisher, publication, and document, each customer’s Document Information dialog is different and you will be entering information unique to your organization’s publication workflow.
Even so, there are some fields and functions in the Document Information dialog that are common to all eXtyles users.
Field or Function | Description |
Publisher, Publication, and (Article) Type fields | Although these fields are populated with options unique to your organization, they are required for all eXtyles users. These fields are important because they inform eXtyles as to what style template needs to be attached to the document being processed, which contains a collection of styles specific to the publication and publisher. These settings also control the list of active dictionaries for the Auto-Redact operation and the reference template used during reference processing. |
Report/Article number or ID field | Generally a report, article, or ID number is required. Beyond being important metadata that should be collected, this information is also often used to label objects (e.g., tables, figures) in the XML with unique identifiers. |
Add Document Information to Header option | When checked, this option will add information from the Document Information dialog to the header area in Word. The information that can be added to the Word header is customized for your organization; for example, your organization may include the Article Type and Article ID in the header. If this option is selected, existing header content will be overwritten. |
Starred fields ( * ) | Any field that is preceded by an asterisk is a required field. If you attempt to Activate a document without filling in all required fields you will be prompted to do so before Activation continues. |
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@Jo Ripoll I don’t know if this is the right place for this information. It’s only available to eXtyles Custom customers, and so maybe it should have its own page as a child of Document Information Dialog?