Reference Lists

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In a standard eXtyles JATS XML export, a reference list can contain a single title paragraph (e.g., "Reference Head") and references only.

Additional paragraph styles can be used to tag introductions to a reference list or annotation paragraphs for a specific reference.

The “Reflist_Introduction” style may be used to style one or more paragraphs after a reference head and before the start of a reference list that introduce the reference list.

It may not be used at any other location in a reference list.

This differs from “Reference_Annotation” which is used to give additional information about specific references (typically in Review articles).

For eXtyles JATS customer: If you need to subdivide a reference list with subheadings, introduce the list with a paragraph of text, or add annotations to explain the significance of particular references, you will require additional paragraph styles and alterations to the export filter.

For eXtyles Custom customers: Your style palette and export filters may have already been configured with the necessary paragraph styles to subdivide a reference list.

If you need additional paragraph styles and alterations to the export filter.; please contact eXtyles Support.

If your publication includes both a list of references that are cited in the document and a list of references that should be fully tagged by eXtyles processing but are not cited in the document (e.g., Further Reading), you can use a "References" style for cited references and a "Bibliography" style for references that are not cited.

Both styles must be used in the document for the Bibliography references to remain uncited throughout eXtyles processing.


Example 1: Reference Lists

Screenshot in Draft View of a processed reference list. For further description see the paragraph below

Image description paragraph

which yields the following XML:

<ref-list> <title>References</title> <ref id="r1"> <label>1</label> <mixed-citation publication-type="standard">ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2015. <italic>JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite</italic>, version 1.1.1. Baltimore, MD: National Information Standards Organization, January 2015. Accessed 14 March 2016. <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=""></ext-link></mixed-citation> </ref> <ref id="r2"> <label>2</label> <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><person-group person-group-type="author"><name><surname>Rishi</surname><given-names>T.</given-names></name></person-group> &#x201C;<article-title>LaTeX to ePub</article-title>.&#x201D; <source>TUGboat</source> <volume>32</volume>, <issue>no. 3</issue> (<year>2011</year>): <fpage>266</fpage>&#x2013;<lpage>268</lpage>. Accessed 14 March 2016. <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=""></ext-link></mixed-citation> </ref> <ref id="r3"> <label>3</label> <mixed-citation publication-type="web">Instituut-Lorentz. Einstein Papers. &#x201C;Einstein&#x2019;s 1914 Typescript.&#x201D; Einstein_1914_04. Accessed 14 March 2016. <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=""></ext-link></mixed-citation> </ref> <ref id="r4"> <label>4</label> <mixed-citation publication-type="book">Wiesner, Jerome B. <italic>Vannevar Bush: 1890-1974</italic>. Washington DC, National Academy of Sciences, 1979. Accessed 23 March 2016. <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=""></ext-link></mixed-citation> </ref> <ref id="r5"> <label>5</label> <mixed-citation publication-type="other">Vannevar Bush to Charles Dollard [letter], 5 January 1953, private collection.</mixed-citation> </ref> <ref id="r6"> <label>6</label> <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><person-group person-group-type="author"><name><surname>Hofmann</surname><given-names>Karl H.</given-names></name><name><surname>Morris</surname><given-names>Sidney A.</given-names></name></person-group>. &#x201C;<article-title>Editors&#x2019; Cut: Managing Scholarly Journals in Mathematics and IT.</article-title>&#x201D; <source>Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology</source> <volume>37</volume>, <issue>no 4</issue> (<year>2005</year>): <fpage>299</fpage>&#x2013;<lpage>309</lpage>. Accessed 14 March 2016. <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=""></ext-link></mixed-citation> </ref> ... </ref-list>


Example 2: Further Reading

Image description paragraph

which yields this XML:

<ref-list> <title>Further Reading</title> <p>These publications provide further information about handling math in XML.</p> <ref id="r"> <mixed-citation publication-type="confproc">Bahram, Sina, David MacDonald, and CB Averitt. &#x201C;Enabling Math on the Web, in Word &amp; PDF, Emerging Solutions and Overcoming Issues&#x201D; [draft conference session submission]. Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference (CSUN), 2015. Accessed 14 March 2016. <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=""></ext-link> <annotation> <p>This conference paper discusses the history and current status of MathML, solutions and fallbacks.</p> </annotation> </mixed-citation> </ref> <ref id="r___1"> <mixed-citation publication-type="book"> <person-group person-group-type="author"> <name> <surname>Bazargan</surname> <given-names>Kaveh</given-names> </name> </person-group>. &#x201C; <article-title>A Complete End-to-End Publishing System Based on JATS</article-title>.&#x201D; In <source>Journal Article Tag Suite Conference (JATS-Con) Proceedings 2015</source>. <conf-name>Journal Article Tag Suite Conference (JATS-Con)</conf-name>. <conf-loc>Bethesda, MD</conf-loc> <person-group person-group-type="author"> <collab>National Center for Biotechnology Information (US)</collab> </person-group>, <year>2015</year>. Accessed 14 March 2016. <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=""></ext-link> <annotation> <p>This paper describes an XML-first workflow for handling math in XML.</p> </annotation> </mixed-citation> </ref> ... </ref-list>


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