Acknowledgments & Author Back Matter

Acknowledgments & Author Back Matter

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Acknowledgements and Author Notes

JATS Export supports acknowledgements and also various types of author notes including financial disclosures, conflict of interest statements, and details of author contributions.

The following example image illustrates the appropriate use of author note section heads and text:

Screenshot in Draft View of back matter section. See the next paragraph for further description.

The above image showing properly styled Acknowledgements, Financial Disclosures, Competing Interests, and Author Contributions with preceding heads, yields the following XML:

<front> <article-meta> ... <author-notes> <fn fn-type="con"> <label>Author Contributions</label> <p>CG prepared the manuscript. BR generated the various equations shown in the manuscript.</p> </fn> </author-notes> </article-meta> ... </front> ... <back> <ack> <title>Acknowledgments</title> <p>We would like to thank Bill Kasdorf, Peter Krautzberger, and Paul Topping for their invaluable feedback during the revision process.</p> </ack> <fn-group> <fn fn-type="financial-disclosure"> <label>Financial Disclosure</label> <p>None.</p> </fn> <fn fn-type="conflict"> <label>Competing Interests</label> <p>None.</p> </fn> </fn-group> </back>

For more information on the paragraph styles, see Acknowledgements, Author Notes, & Sponsor/Funders in the eXtyles JATS Style Guide.

Contract Sponsor and Number

In JATS or NLM XML export configurations, eXtyles can be set up to provide two Word character styles that support tagging of funding source and award number information for acknowledgment of grant-funded research support.

In the following image, the character styles “Contract-Sponsor” and “Contract-Number” have been applied to their respective items:

Screenshot of the funding statement with color-coded character styles applied to the organizations and the affiliated contract number

which results in the following XML in the <article-meta> or <book-part-meta> element when exporting to JATS 1.0 or version 3.0 of the NLM Book or Journal Publishing DTD:

<funding-group> <award-group id="sp1"> <funding-source>European Community</funding-source> <award-id>NATT HEALTH-F3-2008-222965</award-id> </award-group> <award-group id="sp2"> <funding-source>UK Medical Research Council</funding-source> <award-id>U1175 32056</award-id> </award-group> </funding-group>

and the following XML for the Acknowledgments section:

<p>This work was funded by the <funding-source rid="sp1">European Community</funding-source> (<award-id rid="sp1">NATT HEALTH-F3-2008-222965</award-id>) and the <funding-source rid="sp2">UK Medical Research Council</funding-source> (programme number <award-id rid="sp2">U1175 32056</award-id>).</p>

According to version 2.3 of the Journal or Book DTD, the following XML is generated in <article-meta> or <book-part-meta>:

and the following XML for the Acknowledgments section:

During export, eXtyles links a funding source with any award numbers that it encounters before the next funding source.

This means that if an award number appears before eXtyles has encountered a funding source, it will cause a parsing error.

The number must be placed after the funding source to achieve correct linking.

eXtyles also supports having multiple award numbers marked for a single funding source.



The eXtyles NLM/JATS export filter also supports FundRef IDs that are placed in funding or acknowledgment paragraphs of the Word file.

While FundRef provides standardization for funding information, FundRef support in XML means you don’t have to include the funder ID in the printed publication; the funder id is hidden under the name of the funding agency.

A combination of Word hyperlink and eXtyles character styles are used to properly set up FundRef IDs in the document.

The funder name is converted into a Word hyperlink, where the funder name is the visible text of the link and the FundRef ID is the actual hyperlink.

The orange character style "Contract Sponsor" is then applied to the hyperlink.


The text "National Institute of Mental Health" is a hyperlink to the FundRef id "http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100000025" and is styled with the "Contract Sponsor" character style and the contract numbers are styled with the character style “Contract Number”:

According to version 1.0 of the JATS DTD, the following XML is generated in <article-meta>:

and the following XML for the Acknowledgments section:

In version 1.1 of JATS, the XML in <article-meta> is:

and similarly the institution-wrap element is used in the funding-source in the acknowledgment.


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