Poetry & Preformatted Text Styles

Poetry & Preformatted Text Styles

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Poetry may appear in any document type. The verses of the poem should be styled with the Poetry style. 

If whitespace is relevant to the poem’s formatting and should be preserved, the Preformat style may be used rather than Poetry.

Please refer to the documentation on the DTD for guidelines on using Poetry versus Preformat

Where separate stanzas should be represented in the XML with a <verse-group> element, an empty paragraph styled Poetry should be inserted between the lines that begin and end their respective stanzas, as shown in the JATS XML example.


Preformatted Text

The Preformatted Text style is typically used for machine-related communication such as computer code and error messages, in which whitespace such as tabs, line feeds, and spaces should be preserved.

It can also be used for poetry, where whitespace has been used for alignment of the text and must be preserved.

Paragraphs that are styled with Preformatted Text can be excluded from whitespace cleanup. They are also typically excluded from the majority of Auto-Redact rules.

Check out the the JATS XML Export section for examples of exported preformatted text.

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