Keywords, Abbreviations, & Glossary Styles
Check out the Keywords, Abbreviations, & Glossary page in the JATS Export section for XML export examples.
On this page
In this section
Keywords are typically chosen to highlight terms that catalog the subject matter of the paper, and are often used by search algorithms to improve matches.
The Keywords paragraph style should be applied to a single paragraph that lists the keywords for the paper.
Although the style can be applied to more than one paragraph without generating a parsing error, each paragraph would be converted to a separate <kwd-group>
element in the XML, resulting in incorrect XML.
The paragraph may or may not start with a run-in heading such as "Keywords", which must be separated from the keyword list by a different character from the character used to separate the individual keywords, for example a colon.
The same separator character should then be used between each keyword.
Unless otherwise specified in your export filter, the strongest characters to separate keywords are:
em dashes
These characters are highly unlikely to occur within the text of a single keyword.
If eXtyles fails to find a "strong" separator character in the keywords paragraph, it will try weaker characters such as:
em spaces
commas (followed by a space)
slashes (with spaces before and after).
Translated Keywords
The Keywords (Translated) style is used in the same way as the primary language Keywords style.
The same considerations apply about the use of strong separators, etc.
See the Keywords, Abbreviations, & Glossary page in the JATS Export section for XML export examples of translated keywords.
Abbreviations are presented as term-definition pairs.
The Abbreviations paragraph style may be used for one or more paragraphs containing a list of abbreviations.
If the list has a title (such as "Abbreviations"), the entire list should be presented as a single paragraph, with the title in bold face, separated from the list by a colon.
Each term-definition pair should be separated from the next by a "strong" separator, such as:
a tab
or em dash
and the term and definition should be separated using a "weak" separator:
an en dash
a comma (followed by a space).
If the list has no title, each term and definition can be presented in a separate paragraph, each pair separated by a weak or strong separator character, or as a single paragraph as described above.
Translated Abbreviations
The Abbreviations (Translated) style is used in the same way as the primary language Abbreviations style.
The same considerations apply about the use of strong separators, etc.
In the XML output, the primary and secondary language abbreviations are listed together in the same <def-list>
Glossary Styles
Glossary content is exported to the back-matter section of the XML by default.
For the purposes of eXtyles, a "Glossary" is a multi-paragraph list with one term–definition pair per paragraph. This definition allows more flexibility in style.
As with abbreviations, consistent use of a strong separator character is crucial to obtaining accurate XML. Suitable formats for setting up the glossary entries are:
Term separated from the definition by a tab
SSTI[tab]Skin and soft-tissue infection ()Term separated from the definition by a colon, an equal sign or a "strong" separator
SSTI: Skin and soft-tissue infection ()
The Glossary Head (Back) style is used for the overall glossary title, whereas the Glossary Section (Back) style is used for subheadings within the glossary (a single layer of headings is available by default in eXtyles JATS).
Each entry in the glossary is then styled as Glossary Entry (Back).
Definition Lists
The Definition List style is used in the body of the document for term-definition pairs, such as a list of definitions of terms used in an equation.
This is distinct from Abbreviations (found in the front matter) and Glossary (usually wrapped in the back matter in the XML).
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