Graphics Cleanup
The Graphics section of Cleanup helps manage the images, figures, and other graphics that are in your document. Three options are available in the drop-down menu.
Cleanup Function: Graphics | Use |
Leave Graphics | No action is taken on images in the document. |
Remove Graphics | Deletes all images from the file and inserts a text placeholder (see below). |
Export and Remove Graphics | Exports all images from the file into a folder that eXtyles will create in your working directory and names the image files according to the document’s file name; removes images from the Word document and inserts a text placeholder (see below). Equations and Excel worksheets are not removed when this option is selected. |
Although the default setting for this Cleanup option is to Leave Graphics, note that removing all graphics from your document will allow eXtyles processes to work faster.
When you choose “Remove Graphics” or “Export and Remove Graphics,” the Text box in the Graphics section of Cleanup is enabled.
This box contains the text string that replaces the removed graphics in the Word document with placeholder text, such as [INSERT FIGURE 001].
The default text is “[INSERT FIGURE %Z]” where “%Z” becomes “001”, “002”, and so on, as sequential graphics are removed. This text may be altered to meet your specific needs (contact eXtyles support for more information).
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