Post-Processing Cleanup

Post-Processing Cleanup

The eXtyles Post-Processing Cleanup feature makes another pass through a document that has already been processed with eXtyles for the next step in your workflow. It is generally used for documents that will be sent to a composition application such as Adobe InDesign or to sanitize documents that will be sent outside of USGS (e.g., to an author) for further review.

Certain options in Post-Processing Cleanup should not be run on files that will be exported from Word to XML with eXtyles. They should only be run if the eXtyles Word file is to be directly imported into another application or exported as a PDF.

To run Post-Processing cleanup:

  1. Select eXtyles > Post-Processing Cleanup.
  2. When the Post-Processing Cleanup dialog appears, check the boxes of the operations you want included in the process and click OK. Check a box only if you’re sure it’s necessary, especially if you’re exporting to valid XML afterward. If you’d like the default settings adjusted, please contact eXtyles-support@inera.com.


USGS has all Post-Processing Cleanup options turned off by default, because most actions will strip information necessary for a valid XML export of the Word file, and thus they should only be run if absolutely necessary.


You can also re-run Post-Processing Cleanup without opening the dialog again. If you press and hold the Shift key when selecting the Post-Processing Cleanup button on the eXtyles ribbon, the feature will re-run with the same settings as the previous run in the same document. This feature allows you, for example, to repeatedly select blocks of <unknown> references and remove the eXtyles tags from those references without re-opening the Post-Processing Cleanup dialog.

In this section

Post-Processing Cleanup Settings



Run Selected Options On

Select whether you want Post-Processing Cleanup to run on the Whole Document or on Selected Text Only.

If a block of text is selected before the Post-Processing Cleanup dialog is opened, it will default to running the options you choose only on that selected text (e.g., if you want to remove <unknown> tags from only one reference).

Apply to Reviewers

Allows the editor to select which reviewers’ comments will be processed. Either All Reviewers or just the comments associated with specific functions (e.g., eXtyles Reference Check) can be selected.

Convert Word Comments to Text

Converts Word comments to inline text. The comments can be placed:

  • Before Text: before the highlighted text to which the comment has been applied,
  • After Text: after the highlighted text to which the comment has been applied, or
  • Document End: in a list at the end of the Word document. Converted comments can be prefixed and suffixed with user-definable text strings. The inserted text can optionally be made a colored font and/or boldface.

Disabling this option also disables the controls for comment placement, prefix, suffix, color, and boldface. This function should not be used if the file is to be exported to XML.


A Word comment, when inserted into the body text, may be prefixed and suffixed with user-definable text. In addition, the text can include a unique number for each comment, the comment author’s name, and the comment author’s initials. These insertions are controlled with the following control codes:

%N = The comment author name;

%I = The comment author initials;

%D = The comment number;

%Z = The comment number, padded with leading zeros.

For example, the default prefix/suffix text shown in the dialog to the right will take the comment “This is a comment” and insert it as “ [[Q1: This is a comment]]”, where 1 is the number of the comment.


When enabled, this option will change the comment font to one of six color options (black, blue, red, green, gray, or violet) so that comments stand out from surrounding text.

Make Comments Bold

When enabled, this option will insert comments as boldface text so that they stand out from surrounding text.

Remove Word Comments

Remove Word comments in the file. The default is to remove all comments. However, you can also remove comments from specific reviewers by selecting the reviewer on the dropdown list (Apply to Reviewers).

Text Color



Remove Word Text Highlights

eXtyles sometimes makes use of Word’s highlighting to make certain text stand out or easier to proof. This option will remove all highlights that have been applied to the text, whether by eXtyles or by an editor.

Remove Word Text Shading

eXtyles sometimes makes use of Word Background Text Shading to make certain text stand out or easier to proof. This option will remove all text shading that has been applied to the text, whether by eXtyles or by an editor.

Remove Paragraph Shading

eXtyles sometimes makes use of Word’s Paragraph Shading to make certain text stand out or easier to proof. This option will remove all paragraph shading that has been applied to the text, whether by eXtyles or by an editor. Note that this option will remove paragraph shading even if it has been applied to paragraphs inside tables.

Word Styles



Convert User-Defined Character Styles to Face Markup

Converts application of user-defined character styles to plain face markup. This cleanup is helpful in preparing the document for desktop publishing, where it may not be desirable to keep character styles. This function can also be used in conjunction with “Remove Text Shading” and “Remove eXtyles Tags” to “cleanup” a reference list after eXtyles processing.

Remove Unused Word Styles

Removes any Word paragraph and character styles that are not in use in the document. This feature is mostly an aid to certain tools used with Quark XPress to index content.


The Convert User-Defined Character Styles to Face Markup function should not be used if the file is to be exported to XML.

eXtyles Tags



Remove eXtyles Tags

This function is used to remove the tags that eXtyles inserts at the start and end of each reference. If no paragraph style has been selected in either drop-down menu, please select the paragraph style used for your reference list.


The Remove eXtyles Tags function should not be used if the file is to be exported to XML.




Remove Hyperlinks starting with text

This function enables users to strip hyperlinks to DOIs that were automatically inserted during eXtyles reference validation processes.

Convert Footnotes and Endnotes to Plain Text

If you prefer to maintain Word Footnote and Endnote structure during copy editing (by default, Word Footnotes and Endnotes are converted to plain text and moved to the end of the document at Cleanup). For more information, contact your support representative at Inera (extyles-support@inera.com).

Convert plain-text Footnotes and Endnotes to Word Footnotes and Endnotes

This function allows plain-text notes to be converted to Word Footnotes and Endnotes.


The Remove Hyperlinks starting with text function should not be used if the file is to be exported to XML.

In addition, Post-Processing Cleanup has three buttons to rapidly create default settings:

  • Set All: Set all options in the dialog to active.
  • Clear All: Clear all options in the dialog. Click this button first if you want to run just a single operation such as removing comments from a specific reviewer.
  • Reset: Resets the default check boxes of the dialog.

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