Special Style Examples
Jenny Seifert (Unlicensed)
The Special tab on the eXtyles style palette includes styles that should be used to achieve specific markup in the XML; for example, cases, sides, statutes, evidence, and heading paragraphs (BB documents).
Case Styles
The Case styles on the Special tab of the eXtyles style palette should be used to style case information. The following samples demonstrate how the various case styles should be used to produce correct XML.
Case Name, Case Citation, Court Info, Side, Case Annotation
<case-info> <case-reference> <case-name><emphasis type="bolditalic">Miller v. Carroll (In re Paternity of B.J.M.)</emphasis></case-name> <case-citation id="1">2019 WI App 10</case-citation>, <case-citation id="2">386 Wis. 2d 267</case-citation>, <case-citation id="3">925 N.W.2d 580 (petition for review filed)</case-citation> </case-reference> </case-info> <court-info>Trial Court: J. Michael Bitney (Barron County)<lb/> Court of Appeals: Mark A. Seidl (Dist. III)</court-info> <side>Statement of Case</side> <case-annotation> <para style="last-para" type="flush">The case involved postjudgment…</para> </case-annotation>
Statute and Evidence Styles
When used, the statute and evidence styles on the Special tab of the eXtyles style palette will produce the following XML.
<section snum="" secnum=""> <statue_head><emphasis type="bold">907.02 Testimony by experts</emphasis></statue_head> <para type="statues"><emphasis type="bold">(1)</emphasis> If scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will assist ...</para> </section>
<section snum="" secnum=""> <title-group><title>Judicial Council Committee’s Note (1974)</title></title-group> <para type="flush">Fear of encroachment upon the function of the ...</para> </section>
The only difference between regular Head1, Para, and List styles and Evidence Head1, Evidence Para, and Evidence List styles is their font size in the Word document (Evidence styles are 10 pt while Para styles are 11 pt). The XML output for both sets of styles is exactly the same.
BB Styles
The Special tab of the eXtyles palette also includes a family of styles for BB content. These styles are unique from regular heading, paragraph, and list styles in that the heading styles are formatted using Word’s auto-number feature, and the paragraph styles export with tagging different from the other family of labeled paragraph styles (see the previous Labeled Paragraphs section of this guide).
BB Headings
Heading 1 (BB) through Heading 6 (BB) on the Special tab of the eXtyles palette are formatted to use Word auto-number features. When used, they will produce title groups in the XML; for example, the following Word content:
Produces the following XML:
<section snum="I" secnum=""> <title-group>I <title>Summary Settlement</title></title-group> <section snum="A" secnum=""> <title-group>A <subtitle>Availability</subtitle></title-group>
The same title-group tagging pertains to the other BB headings.
BB Paragraphs
The family of BB paragraph styles should be used to style content that requires the following XML output.
Paragraph Style | XML |
Paragraph I (BB) | <para type="heading2"> |
Paragraph A (BB) | <para type="heading3"> |
Paragraph 1 (BB) | <para type="heading4"> |
Paragraph a (BB) | <para type="heading5"> |
Paragraph Bullet (BB) | <para type="heading6"> |
Paragraph Dash (BB) | <para type="heading7"> |
For example, here is content in Word styled with BB heading and paragraph styles. Note that the content is formatted in a Word table to facilitate the correct alignment of case information.
The eXtyles style palette will by default style the entire row of a table. To style just one cell of a table, place your cursor in the cell you want to style, and then press and hold Crtl while clicking the style button on the palette.
Following is the XML that will be exported from eXtyles for this content:
<section snum="I." secnum=""> <title-group>I. <title>Summary Settlement</title></title-group> <section snum="A." secnum=""> <title-group>A. <subtitle>Availability</subtitle></title-group> <para type="heading4"><emphasis type="bold">1. Whenever estate, less amount of debts for which any property in estate is security, does not exceed in value</emphasis></para> <cite><law-reference><law-cite id="1">867.01(1)(a)</law-cite></law-reference></cite> <para type="heading5"><emphasis type="bold">a. Costs, expenses, allowances, and claims under § 859.25(1)(a)–(g)</emphasis></para> <cite style="last-cite"><law-reference><law-cite id="1">867.01(1)(b)</law-cite></law-reference></cite> <para style="last-para" type="heading5"> <emphasis type="bold">b. $50,000, and decedent survived by spouse or a domestic partner or one or more minor children or both</emphasis></para> </section> <section snum="B." secnum=""> <title-group>B. <subtitle>Procedure</subtitle></title-group> <para style="last-para" type="heading4"> <emphasis type="bold">1. Petition</emphasis></para>
Annual and Special Paragraphs
Annual paragraphs export with the para type annual attribute: <para type="annual">
. Additionally, the annual paragraph style is formatted in a font size smaller than the regular paragraph styles on the Body tab.
Special paragraphs export with the para type spec4by6 attribute: <para type="spec4by6">
. Additionally, the special paragraph style is formatted to look different from the regular paragraph styles on the Body tab.
Quote (9pt)
Further, when used, the Quote (9pt) style will produce a para type="annual"
attribute in the XML. For example,
<para type="annual">Under Wisconsin’s Rules ...</para> <quote style="quote9pt"> <para type="annual">(e) A division of a fee between lawyers ...</para> <para type="annual">(1) the division is based on the services ...</para> ... </quote>