Body Style Examples
Jenny Seifert (Unlicensed)
The following section describes how to style document body content using styles found on the Body tab of the eXtyles style palette.
Headings (Head 1- Head 6)
The following Word sample shows the use of the Head1 paragraph style (Heading 1 on the eXtyles style palette).
During XML export, the Head1 style will be tagged as <title> within <title-group> at the start of a new <section>; for example,
<section snum="I." secnum="2.1"> <title-group>I. <title>Introduction</title> [§ <number>2.1</number>]</title-group>
Notice that the snum
and secnum
attributes are automatically populated from the Word content (i.e., the heading number I and the section number 2.1).
eXtyles will populate the snum and secnum values so long as they are present in the Word document. If a heading in the Word document is not numbered, the snum
attribute in the XML will be empty (same for the section number/secnum
This behavior is the same for all styles Heading 1 through 6. For example,
Produces the following XML:
<section snum="II." secnum="2.2"> <title-group>II. <title>Appellate Jurisdiction</title> [§ <number>2.2</number>]</title-group> <section snum="A" secnum="2.3"> <title-group>A <subtitle>In General</subtitle> [§ <number>2.3</number>]</title-group>
Note that the <section>
s are properly nested.
Auto-Numbering and Headings
The Head 1-Head 6 Word paragraph styles do not have auto-number formatting. The BB Head 1-BB Head 6 Word paragraph styles are auto-number formatted.
Body Text Paragraphs
WisBar has several body text paragraph styles that achieve different markup in the XML depending on the content requirements.
Standard Body Paragraphs
Normal body text paragraphs can be styled with the Paragraph (Para) style from the eXtyles style palette; for example,
Text styled in this way will produce the following XML:
<para type="flush">Federal policy strongly discourages piecemeal appeals ... even though those judgments are appealable in Wisconsin state courts)...</para>
Other paragraph type attributes can be achieved in the XML by using different paragraph styles in the Word document. For example,
Paragraph Style | XML | Description |
Last Paragraph | <para style="last-para" type="flush"> | Use to style regular body text paragraphs that are the final paragraph in a section. |
Paragraph (No Tab) | <para type="outdent"> | Use to style body text paragraphs for which the "outdent" attribute is desired. |
Last Paragraph (No Tab) | <para type="outdent" style="last-para"> | Use to style body text paragraphs that are the final paragraph in a section, and for which the "outdent" attribute is desired. |
Paragraph (Center) | <para type="center"> | Use to style body text paragraphs for which the "center" attribute is desired. |
Labeled Paragraphs
Labeled body text paragraphs can be styled with the Paragraph I, A, and so on, styles from the eXtyles style palette.
Paragraph Style | XML |
Paragraph I | <para type="ParaI"> |
Paragraph A | <para type="ParaA"> |
Paragraph 1 | <para type="Para1"> |
Paragraph a | <para type="Para_a"> |
Paragraph (1) | <para type="Para_1"> |
Paragraph (a) | <para type="Para_a2"> |
The styles are named on the Body tab of the style palette to correspond with the label that is expected to be used in the Word document. For example, the following Word sample,
Produces this XML:
<section snum="I." secnum="28.1"> <title-group>I. <title>INTRODUCTION</title> [§ <number>28.1</number>]</title-group> <section snum="A." secnum="28.2"> <title-group>A. <subtitle>In General</subtitle> [§ <number>28.2</number>]</title-group> <para type="Para1">1. Legal protection of trademarks ... </para> <para type="Para1">2. Federal statutes and rules</para> <para type="Para_a">a. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946, ...</para>
Quote Paragraphs
The eXtyles style palette includes several options for styling quoted material. Specific attributes in the XML can be generated when the following styles are used.
Paragraph Style | XML | Description |
Quote | <quote> | When this style is used for a single quote paragraph, the style="last-para" attribute is automatically added to <para> . |
Quote 2 | <quote style="quote2"> | When this style is used for a single quote paragraph, the style="last-para" attribute is automatically added to <para> . |
Quote (Last) | <para type="flush" style="last-para"> | When this style is used, the style="last-para" is always present in the XML. |
For example, the following Word sample:
Produces this XML:
<para type="flush">The Wisconsin Committee Comment to SCR 20:1.5 provides no guidance on this issue ...:</para> <quote> <para style="last-para" type="flush">[7] A division of fee is a single billing to a client covering the fee of two or more lawyers who are not in the same firm .... </para> </quote>
Admon Text
Admon notes are supported in eXtyles. Helpfully, the eXtyles export process will automatically add to the XML the following attributes to content that is styled as Admon:
Attribute | Values |
type | Note, Author’s Note, See Also, Comment, etc. The admon type attribute is populated automatically during XML export based on the value of the label in the Word document. |
para type | flush |
para admon type | last |
Admon text should be styled using the following from the eXtyles palette.
Paragraph Style | XML | Description |
Admon | <admon type=“XXXXX”> | Use to style an Admon paragraph. When a label is present the content is pulled into an admon type attribute; for example, |
Admon Continued | <admon type=“XXXXX”> | Use to style a continuation paragraph of an Admon note. Will automatically export to <para admontype="last"> if it is also the last paragraph of the note. |
Admon (10 pt) | <admon type=“XXXXX”> | Use to style an Admon paragraph that has a 10-point font size. When labelled, the label is pulled into an admon type attribute; for example, |
Admon Continued (10 pt) | <admon type=“XXXXX”> | Use to style a continuation paragraph of an Admon paragraph that has a 10-point font size. Will automatically export to |
Admon Last | <para admontype="last" type="flush"> | Use to style the last paragraph of a multi-paragraph Admon note. |
For information about the Admon in List paragraph styles (e.g., Admon1 and Admon2), see the List Style Examples.
Single Admon Paragraph
Style a single Admon paragraph using the Admon, Admon 1, or Admon 2 paragraph styles from the eXtyles style palette. For example,
eXtyles will automatically generate the appropriate attributes for the note in the XML, including the admontype=“last” attribute:
<admon type="Note"> <para admontype="last" type="flush"> Wisconsin law does not exempt labor organizations and their officers or agents.</para> </admon>
Note the following:
- The
admon type
is automatically populated from the note label in the Word paragraph; in this example, ➢ Note. - The
attribute is automatically added when the Admon is only one paragraph. - The
para type="flush"
attribute is automatically added by eXtyles.
Multi-paragraph Admons
When Admon notes are more than one paragraph long, use the Admon Continued and Admon Last paragraph styles. For example,
eXtyles will automatically generate the appropriate attributes in the XML; for example,
<admon type="AuthorsNote"> <para type="flush"><law-reference>Section <law-cite id="1">907.02</law-cite></law-reference> conforms to <law-reference>Fed. R. Evid. <law-cite id="1">702</law-cite></law-reference> . . .</para> <para type="flush">A <emphasis type="italic">Daubert</emphasis> gatekeeping decision . . .</para> <para admontype="last" type="flush"> <law-reference>Section <law-cite id="1">907.02(2)</law-cite></law-reference>, created by <law-reference><law-cite id="1">2011 Wis. Act 2</law-cite></law-reference>, . . .</para> </admon>
Consecutive Admon Paragraphs
Use the Admon style for consecutive single-paragraph Admon notes. For example,
This produces the following XML:
<admon type="Note"> <para admontype="last" type="flush">The U.S. Supreme Court has held all states must allow and recognize same-sex marriages ....</para> </admon> <admon type="PracticeTip"> <para admontype="last" type="flush">Electronic filing (e-filing) is now mandatory in all counties for family and most other case types ....</para> </admon>
The 10-point Admon paragraph styles appear in a smaller font in the Word document, but their export behavior is the same as described above.
Forms and Excerpts
The Form paragraph style should be used to style the title of a Form. For example,
This produces the following XML:
<section snum="Form 3.1" secnum=""> <title-group>Form 3.1 <title>Retainer Agreement (FAM-0002)</title></title-group> <admon type="Note"> <para admontype="last" type="flush"> Numbers in parentheses—e.g., (17.00)—refer to the Office Master File.</para> </admon> <para type="excerpt">I, <emphasis type="italic">(3.01) (client’s name) </emphasis>, retain the law firm of ...</para>
Note the following:
snum="Form 3.1"
is automatically populated from the form label in the Word documentsecnum=""
will be empty unless there is a section number in the Form title that has the charHeadingNumber character style applied to it
Excerpts can be styled using the Excerpt text styles on the Body tab of the eXtyles style palette. Specific paragraph type attributes can be achieved in the XML by using the different Excerpt paragraph styles in the Word document. For example,
Paragraph Style | XML |
Excerpt | <para type="excerpt"> |
Excerpt Form | <para type="form"> |
Excerpt Center | <para type="center-excerpt"> |
Excerpt Center Form | <para type="center-form"> |
Excerpt (Last) | <para type="form" style="last-para"> |
Pictures that appear in the Word document should be styled using the Graphic style from the Body tab. For example,
When pictures are styled in this way, eXtyles will do two things during XML export:
- Create a graphic pointer in the XML; for example:
<graphic src="images\ExportTests-001.jpg"/>
- Export the images from the Word document to the working directory into a folder titled "images."
The images that are exported will be named the same as the src value in the XML for the graphic pointers to facilitate linking. For example, the XML may have <graphic src="images\ExportTests-001.jpg"/>
for the first image in a document titled ExportTests, and the name of the image that is exported during XML export will also be titled ExportTests-001.jpg.
It is important that images in the Word document are correctly styled with the paragraph style Graphic. Failing to do this may result in incorrect XML.