Inline Standards Citation Matching

Inline Standards Citation Matching

Screenshot of an Advanced Processing dropdown menu with 'Inline Standards Citation Match' highlighted


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Inline Standards Citation Processing identifies and applies character styles and Word comments to the text of in-line citations to standards published by known bodies.


Here is the in-text paragraph before Inline Standards Citation Processing is run:

5.1.1 Machinery shall comply with the safety requirements and/or protective measures of this clause. In addition, the machine shall be designed in accordance with the principles of ISO 12100:—, Clause 4, for hazards relevant, but not significant, which are not dealt with by this part of ISO 4254.

Now view the image below to see what the paragraph and Normative reference looks like post-processing:

No formatting of the in-line citations is performed during this process.

Inline Standards Citation Matching will insert queries (as Word comments) when:

  • a Normative Reference is not cited at least once in the document

  • undated citations to standards in the text reference a specific object

Example: “ISO 9001, Section 6.2,” because objects (in this case “Section 6.2”) should only be referenced from dated citations


Normative Reference Citation Checking

Inline Standards Citation Matching feature also verifies that all normative references in a standards document have at least one corresponding in-text citation.

When Standards Citation Matching cannot find a corresponding in-text citation for a normative reference, eXtyles inserts a warning for the normative reference.

This feature also verifies citations to specific parts of normative references.

According to best practice, citations to a specific part of a standard should always include the year of publication. If an in-text citation references a specific part of a standard (e.g., “ISO 9001, Table 2”) but does not include a year, eXtyles inserts a warning.


How to use

To use Inline Standards Citation Matching:

  1. Normative reference must be styled with your configuration’s Normative Reference paragraph style.

  2. Run eXtyles up through Reference Processing.

  3. Select eXtyles > Advanced Processing > Inline Standards Citation Matching.

  4. Review and resolve any warnings eXtyles inserts (as Word comments) that inform you how many normative references do not have matching in-text references, as well as how many standard references are missing a year, if any.




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