Standards Bibliographic and Normative Reference Processing
A standards alternative to eXtyles Bibliographic Reference Processing is the standards Bibliographic and Normative Reference Processing module.
This module contains two functions:
Bibliographic Reference Processing
Normative Reference Processing
Both functions:
identify the reference type (e.g., standards, journals, books) and
identify different elements of the reference entry (e.g., title, publisher, dates, references numbers etc.) and add appropriate color-coded character styles
This advanced processing module processes paragraphs that are styled as “Applicable Documents,” “Normative References,” or “Bibliographic Reference.”
On this page
Reference Processing and Validation
How to use
Before running standards Bibliographic and Normative Reference Processing, confirm that all references are correctly styled with your configuration's reference paragraph style(s), such as “Applicable Documents,” “Normative References,” and “Bibliographic Reference.”
Select Advanced Processing from the Edit section of the eXtyles tab
Click standards Bibliographic and Normative References.
The following sections describe the reference processing behavior for standards references.
Automatic Processing of Standard References
Standards reference processing identifies standard citations that occur as part of a bibliography, non-normative reference list, or normative reference list and wraps them in the eXtyles tag <std>
. This process then applies character styles, prefixed with “std_”, to standard citations.
Examples After reference processing, typical standard references look like this. Normative References (Applicable Documents) Bibliography
As with Bibliographic Reference Processing, these character styles have several functions; primarily:
→ They indicate how eXtyles has identified the elements of the citation
→They represent semantic information added to the document that may be used later in processing (e.g. exporting to produce enriched XML)
Only references to standards from publishers with known designation formats (e.g., ISO, IEC, EN, BSI, DIN) are restructured.
References to standards from other publishers (e.g., ASTM, IEEE) have their elements color coded (i.e., identified with character styles), but no restructuring is done to avoid introducing errors in designations.
Character styles serve as a proxy for tagging and should not be removed from a document that will be exported to XML; however, they should be edited if they have been incorrectly applied.
Viewing References
If necessary, use the Hide Tags function to turn off and on the display of reference type tags (<std>, <jrn>, etc.).
Reference Processing Queries
As with Bibliographic References Processing, standards Bibliographic and Normative Reference Processing will add queries that appear as Word comments as needed.
An alert will appear after processing is complete to indicate the number of queries added; if none have been added, no alert will show.
You can view or hide queries via the Review tab of the ribbon: Show Markup > Comments
Standards Character Styling
When references and standards are processed by eXtyles, Word character styles such as bib_article, std_publisher, and so on are automatically applied to each part of the reference text.
If you manually edit a reference after reference processing, be sure that the character styles are correctly applied to the edited text.
Character styles that may be used for reference to standards include the following:
Element/Character Style | Use |
std_publisher | The standard publisher |
std_docNumber | The standard document number |
std_docPartNumber | The part number of the standard document |
std_year | The standard date (year) |
std_docTitle | The standard title |
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