Figure Styles

Figure Styles

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Check out the Figures page in the JATS Export section for XML export examples.

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Figure Caption Variations

The Figure Caption style is used for the figure number and the first paragraph of the figure caption.

If the caption extends to a second or subsequent paragraph, the Figure Caption Continued style should be used.

The Figure Accessibility Caption style is used for a paragraph that describes the content of the figure for visually impaired users or others who are unable to view the image. Because this paragraph is designed to be read by screenreaders, it must contain plain text only, with no face markup or other non-text content.

The Figure Credit style is used for a paragraph that contains information about the source of the image and/or details of any permissions obtained.



The actual graphic itself does not form part of the XML. Instead, the XML includes a pointer to the image file, represented by the @xlink attribute of the graphic element.

By default, the filename in this pointer is constructed automatically from the Article ID entered during activation of the Word file and an incremental counter. In the example below, this gives @xlink:href="123-f1" for the first image in a document with ID 123.

If the images are embedded in the Word file and are retained in the file at the point that the document is exported to XML, these paragraphs should be styled as Non-XML Text in order to avoid parsing errors or the presence of extraneous elements in the XML.

If you need to specify a graphic file name that does not match what eXtyles would generate during the XML Export process, you can use the <graphics> tag to do so.

Use the Insert Tag menu to insert a <graphics> tag at the end of the Figure Caption. Inside of the tags, enter the file name of the graphic; for example:

Figure 1. This is a figure<graphic>biotes-10-100-e001</graphic>


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