Crossref is an official DOI registration firm that functions as a cooperative cross-publisher collaboration to enable accurate and useful citation linking via DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers). A DOI is an identifier that is unique for each content item and it does not change with time.
The CrossRef Reference Checking and Correction module has two feature levels available:
Reference Linking
Reference Linking and Correction
The title of this process on your eXtyles Advanced Processing menu may be different from what is described in this documentation depending on the feature level your organization uses.
Crossref Feature Level
Reference Linking
(1) A clickable link to the article/document is added to the reference entry and (2) eXtyles adds warnings about discrepancies between the reference and its Crossref record.
Reference Linking and Correction
(1) A clickable link to the article/document is added to the reference entry, (2) missing information is added to the reference entry if it exists in the Crossref record, and (3) eXtyles adds warnings about discrepancies between the reference and its Crossref record.
How to use
To run Crossref Reference Linking/Correction on a document:
Complete Bibliographic Reference Processing, including the cleanup and reprocessing of all references that eXtyles did not automatically fix.
The process should take approximately 30 seconds for 60 references.
Make sure you are connected to the internet before running this process.
Reviewing Comments
When Crossref Reference Linking/Correction identifies a discrepancy between the information in the reference and the information in the Crossref database, a Word comment will be inserted warning about the difference. Note that affected text in the Word comment will be character styled with the correct eXtyles bibliography style; e.g., bib_fname, bib_surname. In this way, you can simply copy and paste the text from the Word comment into the reference entry if you determine that the Crossref information eXtyles reported is, in fact, correct.
Sometimes you might receive a message that eXtyles was unable to contact the CrossRef website. If you get this message, try again in a few minutes.
If the problem persists:
Check that your internet connection is stable,
Check that the site is not down, then