Overriding Cited Figure, Table, and Box Placement in XML
By default, labeled figures, tables, and boxes are moved to immediately after the paragraph in which they are first cited, as described in the previous sections, “Figure Caption Location in the Word File” and “Table and Box Location in the Word File.”
You can override this behavior by using the cite_fig_nomove, cite_tbl_nomove, and cite_box_nomove character styles.
If Table 8 is mentioned in the Introduction of your manuscript, and you do not actually want to put Table 8 just after that paragraph, you can apply cite_tbl_nomove to the citation in the Introduction paragraph.
The citation in the Introduction will still be converted to a link in the XML, but the table will be moved to where it is next cited in the document (for example, following the paragraph in which the next Table 8 citation with cite_tab applied is located).
These character styles should be manually applied after running Citation Matching. If these character styles are not currently included in your configuration, please contact eXtyles Support.
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