Check out the Authors page in the JATS Export section for XML export examples.
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In this section
The Authors style is applied to one or more paragraphs of contributor names, such as the names of manuscript authors and editors.
In a JATS XML workflow, Author Processing is a required eXtyles step that identifies name elements and footnotes and applies the au_ class of character styles (e.g., au_surname) to each element in the Authors paragraph.
These characters styles are used during XML Export to provide granular tagging of contributor names in the <contrib-group>
element (see <contrib-group> in the JATS Tag Library)
The author list must be reviewed after running Author Processing to ensure that the various elements have been correctly identified.
Certain situations can cause problems for Author Processing in the standard eXtyles configuration:
names in non-Western order (i.e. Surname Given-Names)
multi-word surnames separated by spaces; unusual or non-standard degree names.
Errors in Author Processing can be corrected by careful hand tagging.
For detailed descriptions on author character styling, please see the Author Processing page.
Character Styles
The following character styles are applied automatically by Author Processing. You should always review the output from Author Processing and correct the styling carefully by hand if necessary.
The example text is pulled from the image following the table.
Character Styles | Use/Description | Example Text |
au_base | not used itself, but it stores some basic properties that may then be used by the other author character styles |
au_collab | used for contributors who are not individual people, such as a company or a research collaboration | on behalf of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen |
au_deg | used to identify academic degrees and other qualifications or appointments that are listed as part of the authorship line | DPM |
au_fname au_surname | respectively used to identify the first name(s) or initial(s) of each individual contributor and their surname | Sherlock Watson |
au_prefix | used when an author line begins with some sort of introductory text, such as “Edited by:” also used for prefixes to individual names such as military ranks, ranks of nobility, and other honorifics, such as “Sir” | Edited by |
au_role | used for information about the role of each individual contributor, such as "Head of Department" or "Professor of Microbiology" | Associate Professor |
au_suffix | used for generational indicators such as "Junior", "III", etc., and other suffixes to contributor names | Jr. |
Affiliations is applied to one or more paragraphs that include the institutions or organizations with which an author is affiliated.
Author affiliations can be edited as one affiliation per paragraph OR multiple affiliations in a single paragraph.
In the "one affiliation per paragraph" style, when superscript letters, numbers, or symbols are used to link affiliations to authors, the linking character must be at the start of the affiliation paragraph.
All levels of an organization are listed within a single <aff>
element, which can be placed either inside or following the <contrib-group>
The JATS XML Tag Library recommends:
In a typical case, the @id attribute of an <aff> element will be pointed to from one or more <contrib> elements, establishing the linkage between them.
Character Styles
This section describes various character styles that can be applied by hand to give additional granularity in affiliations in the XML file.
Only those elements that are required to be specifically identified in the XML need to be styled. There is no requirement to style all or any part of the affiliation in order to obtain valid JATS XML.
Character Style | Use/Description | Example Text |
af_institution | used to tag the name of the institution in the affiliation paragraph | Synthetic Genomic Inc. |
af_addr-line | can be applied to other parts of the affiliation that are not covered by any of the other styles | 221B Baker Street, London NW1 6XE |
af_country | applied to the country in an affiliation | UK |
af_phone | used to tag phone numbers in the affiliation or a correspondence paragraph | +1 555 123 4567 |
af_fax | can be applied to fax numbers in an affiliation or correspondence paragraph | +1 555 987-6543 |
The Correspondence style should be used for one or more paragraphs that provide contact details for the corresponding author(s).
Similar to affiliations, eXtyles supports the linking of correspondence details either with or without a footnote symbol.
If no footnote symbol is used to link the corresponding author to the author line, the corresponding author's name should match his or her name in the author line in order for eXtyles to successfully add the appropriate attribute to the author's name within the <contrib-group>
in the XML.
The JATS XML Tag Library notes:
In current journal tag set practice, information naming one contributor as the corresponding contributor may be tagged explicitly using a <corresp> element or may just be one of many footnotes <fn> concerning the contributor. Although this Suite supports both practices, if possible, the correspondence information should be tagged using the <corresp> element.
The Authors (Translated) style is used in the same way as the primary-language Authors style.
The language is taken from the Secondary Language dropdown on the Document Information dialog.
If the affiliations are also translated, the affiliation numbers for the translated text can be the same as, or different from, those used for the native-language text.
Both the native-language and translated author names will be exported into the <name-alternatives> element, with the distinction made via the language attribute in the <name> tag.
The Affiliations (Translated) style should be used in conjunction with the Authors (Translated) style. The style is used in the same way as the primary-language Affiliations style.
The numbering of translated affiliations can either be the same as, or distinct from, the numbering of the primary-language affiliations.
Both native-language and translated affiliations will be exported into the <aff-alternatives> element, with the distinction made via the language attribute in the <aff> tag.
Author Biography
The Author Biography style is used to hold biographical information about the author(s).
In print publications, the biographical text associated with an article may not appear with the article metadata; for example, it may appear at the end of the article, in a sidebar, or collected with other biographies in a separate section of the publication.
By default in eXtyles JATS, author biographies are not linked in the XML to the author to whom they apply. They may be placed anywhere in the Word file, and are mapped to the <back>
of the XML file.
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