"List Continued" tags
Sometimes a list is interrupted by a subheading, block quote, or other non-list item. Under normal circumstances, the next item in the list will start a new list in the XML file, whether you want it to or not.
Because the JATS and BITS DTDs don’t allow a new XML section to start inside a list, we can’t always just set up Word paragraph styles for these kinds of situations.
Instead, use the Insert Tag menu on the eXtyles tab to add a List Continued tag at the end of the first list item after the interruption. This connects the two lists via a continued-from
attribute in the XML. Here’s an example of how this might look in Word, using a list interrupted by a heading:
Section 1. Bibliography
1. Poetry collections
2. Books, prose
3. Drama
Section 2. External links
4. Profiles<list-cont></list-cont>
5. Archive and works
The resulting XML will look like this:
<sec id="ss-s09-01-01">
<title>Section 1. Bibliography</title>
<list id="ss-L18" list-type="order">
<list-item><label>1</label><p>Poetry collections</p></list-item>
<list-item><label>2</label><p>Books, prose</p></list-item></list>
<sec id="ss-s09-01-02">
<title>Section 2. External links</title>
<list id="ss-L19" list-type="order" continued-from="ss-L18">
<list-item><label>5</label><p>Archive and works</p></list-item></list>
</sec> |
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