Figure Tags
Caitlin Gebhard (Unlicensed)
Sylvia Hunter (Unlicensed)
Jenny Seifert (Unlicensed)
Special Figure Filenames
In some cases, you may want to use an explicit filename for figures instead of using the auto-assigned eXtyles name. This may be especially true for unnumbered figures. For example, if you have a book about animals, you might want to name each image for the name of the animal. This can be done by using the Insert Tag item on the eXtyles Menu to insert an Inline Graphic tag (Named Graphic in some configurations).
When doing this to override the automatic figure filename assignment in a figure caption, this tag must be placed at the end of the figure caption. If the figure has a multi-paragraph caption, this tag should be inserted at the end of the last paragraph. If the figure has an attribution, source, or copyright line, the tag should be inserted after any of these paragraphs.
Doing so inserts a tag like this:
Fig. 1. Effect of DGC or PDE overexpression in B. bronchiseptica biofilm formation.<graphic></graphic>
And then you should type in the name of the figure file in between the tags like this:
Fig. 1. Effect of DGC or PDE overexpression in B. bronchiseptica biofilm formation.<graphic>Biofilm-image</graphic>
When the XML is created, the name inside the tags is used as the pointer to the graphic file, as in:
<graphic xlink:href="Biofilm-image"/>
Figure Placement
Sometimes it's necessary to insert a figure that has no caption at an arbitrary location (e.g. a custom logo at the end of each article). This can be done by using the Insert Tag item on the eXtyles Menu to insert an Inline Graphic/Named Graphic tag at any point in the text. Doing so inserts a tag like this:
....end of article text.<graphic></graphic>
And then you should type in the name of the figure file in between the tags like this:
...end of article text.<graphic>CustomLogo</graphic>
When the XML is created, the name inside the tags is used as the pointer to the graphic file, e.g.:
...end of article text.<inline-graphic xlink:href="CustomLogo"/>
As with other figures, no file extension is used because the file extension will be added during the rendering process. However if you add an explicit extension inside the <graphic> tag, it will be carried through into the XML.
In addition to "inline," the orientation of a graphic may be defined as Anchor, Float, or Landscape by using additional graphic tags at the end of a figure caption. For example, a graphic that should be formatted as a landscape image during final production should use the Landscape tag, and not the Graphic tag:
Fig. 3. Illustration of a large map<landscape></landscape>
This yields the following XML:
<fig id="f3" position="float" fig-type="figure" orientation="landscape"><label>Fig. 3</label><caption><p>Illustration of a large map</p></caption><graphic xlink:href="123-f3"></graphic></fig>
Figures Made Up of Multiple Image Files
Sometimes a figure may have multiple image files (panels), particularly when it is in multiple parts. For example, an author might have created figures 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D, each as a separate file. In this situation, you will need four <graphic> elements in the XML.
This can be done by using the Insert Tag item on the eXtyles Menu to insert a Figure Panels tag at the end of the figure caption, which inserts a tag like this:
If each panel is a separate image file, type in the letter of the last panel, like this:
Figure 1: This is a figure<panel>d</panel>
The resulting XML will look like this:
<fig id="F001" position="float" fig-type="figure"> <label>Figure 1</label> <caption><p>This is a figure made up of four image files.</p></caption> <graphic xlink:href="BK06557_C001_F001a"></graphic> <graphic xlink:href="BK06557_C001_F001b"></graphic> <graphic xlink:href="BK06557_C001_F001c"></graphic> <graphic xlink:href="BK06557_C001_F001d"></graphic> </fig>
The Figure Panels tag can even be used in cases where the parts of the figure are not evenly distributed, one per image file. For example:
Figure 2: This is a figure title<panel>ad,ef,gk</panel>
yields this XML:
<fig id="f2" position="float" fig-type="fig"> <label>Figure 2</label> <caption><title>This is a figure title</title></caption> <graphic xlink:href="56789-f04-f2ad"/> <graphic xlink:href="56789-f04-f2ef"/> <graphic xlink:href="56789-f04-f2gk"/> </fig>
This would correspond to three image files, one containing parts (a)–(d), a second containing parts (e) and (f), and a third with parts (g)–(k), with each file named appropriately.
Video Files
Video files can be treated in the same way as static figures when exporting XML to the JATS or NLM Book DTDs. However, an additional paragraph, the media block, is required in order to specify details about the video file. When a media block paragraph is included in addition to a caption for the video, and the video is cited as e.g. "Video 1" or "Movie 1" in the text and the caption, then eXtyles will export the appropriate XML (Citation Matching will also match citations of videos in the same way that it matches citations of figures, tables, etc.).
One thing to bear in mind is that the export will create both a <media> element (for the video file itself) and a <graphic> element in the XML. This <graphic> element should point to a static file that can then be used as a placeholder for the video file in a print publication or as the preview frame online.
The following XML will be created:
<fig id="vid1" position="float" fig-type="video"> <label>Video 1</label> <caption><p>This is the caption for the video.</p></caption> <graphic xlink:href="CDT-2012-35-vid1"></graphic> <media xlink:href="CDT-2012-35-vid1"/> </fig>
The XML would need to be accompanied by files named CDT-2012-35-vid1.tif (or perhaps .gif or .jpg) for the placeholder and, for example, CDT-2012-35-vid1.avi for the video itself.
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