Authors and Collaborators

Authors and Collaborators

Author Names

The eXtyles Advanced Process for Author Processing will parse paragraphs with author names into their constituent elements (surname, given names, initials, prefixes, and suffixes) as well as identifying organizational authors. eXtyles can also distinguish between various types of contributors (e.g., authors and editors) depending on context in the document.

The author list must be reviewed after running Author Processing to ensure that the various elements have been correctly identified. Certain situations can cause problems for Author Processing in the standard eXtyles configuration: names in non-Western order (i.e., Surname Given-Names); multi-word surnames separated by spaces; unusual or non-standard degree names.

In this section

Errors in Author Processing can be corrected by careful hand tagging.

Please be aware that degree names must be explicitly listed in an eXtyles data file. If you find that a degree is not shaded with the correct color, then it’s likely that it is not listed in the eXtyles data file and instead eXtyles misapplied the au_orgname character style. When this happens, please fix the character style manually and report the missing degree to eXtyles-support@inera.com.

Introductory text in an author paragraph, such as "By" or "Edited by", must also be styled as au_prefix.

Author Affiliations

Author affiliations can be edited as one affiliation per paragraph, or as multiple affiliations in a single paragraph.

In the "one affiliation per paragraph" style, when superscript letters, numbers, or symbols are used to link affiliations to authors, the linking character must be at the start of the affiliation paragraph.

The following author list and affiliations will parse correctly:

By Robert G. Waltermire1, Christopher U. Emmerich2, and Laura C. Mendenhall3

1U.S. Geological Survey

2Cherokee Services Group

3U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

This style makes good use of space if multiple authors share affiliations. The example yields the following XML:

<contrib-group content-type="authors">
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<string-name><x>By</x> <given-names>Robert G.</given-names> <surname>Waltermire</surname></string-name><xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff1"><sup>1</sup></xref></contrib> 
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<string-name><given-names>Christopher U.</given-names> <surname>Emmerich</surname></string-name><xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff2"><sup>2</sup></xref></contrib> 
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<string-name><given-names>Laura C.</given-names> <surname>Mendenhall</surname></string-name><xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff3"><sup>3</sup></xref></contrib> 
<aff id="aff1"><label>1</label>U.S. Geological Survey</aff>
<aff id="aff2"><label>2</label>Cherokee Services Group</aff>
<aff id="aff3"><label>3</label>U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service</aff>

Secondary Identification Information

Organizations that made contributions to the content are identified on the title page with the Secondary Identification paragraph style; it is different from the Program Note (see the following section). The following secondary identification information will produce the subsequent XML:

Prepared in cooperation with the Southwest Climate Science Center

<contrib-group content-type="collaborator">
<collab>Prepared in cooperation with the Southwest Climate Science Center</collab>

Program Note Information

A program note is the name of a USGS organizational unit that produced the publication. It is different from the Secondary Identification information, and a document may have both a "program note" and a "prepared in cooperation with" attribution. The following program note will produce the subsequent XML:

National Water-Quality Assessment Project

<contrib-group content-type="program-note">
<collab>National Water-Quality Assessment Project</collab>

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