The URL Checking tool performs the following functions:
- Identifies URLs in the document (regardless of whether they are already Word hyperlinks)
- Converts them to clickable hyperlinks, if they are not already clickable, by turning them into Word Hyperlink fields
- Automatically corrects common problems with special characters or spaces found in URLs
- Checks on the Web to determine whether the link is valid
Valid URLs—URLs that may be followed without redirection to the indicated website—are not flagged. URLs that return any HTTP error code other than 200 (i.e., ones with no HTTP error) will have a Word comment inserted to bring attention to the invalid URL and provide an indication of the error encountered in attempting to follow the link.
For example, a link that points to a nonexistent page will have a Word comment inserted indicating that the server returned an HTTP 404 (“Not Found”) status code:
Comment: URL Validation failed because the page does not exist (HTTP error 404).
URL Validation will also try to fix some cases of URLs that contain invalid characters or spaces, as sometimes happens during the editing process. For example, spaces sometimes appear mid-URL, which would cause a URL to fail in a browser. When possible, URL Validation will remove the incorrect spaces and add a comment such as:
Comment: The URL “ faq.html” has been corrected. One or more spaces were removed.
Examples of other cleanup cases include replacing en dashes with hyphens, or similar characters with a simple tilde.
eXtyles will also silently correct URLs where the only difference is http vs. https. In those cases, after URL Validation has successfully completed a message such as the following will appear: