Exemples concernant les styles de l'onglet Back

Pour les éléments qui apparaissent à la fin d'un document (autrement dit, qui ne font pas partie du corps principal du rapport) il convient d'utiliser les options de l'onglet Back de la palette de styles d'eXtyles; par exemple pour les références et les annexes (appendices).

Table of Contents

Annexes (appendices)

Pour le texte et les titres des annexes, les styles spécifiques pour les annexes figurant dans l'onglet Back de la palette doivent être utilisés. Les styles des onglets Body ou Object peuvent être utilisés pour d'autres contenus comme des listes, des figures ou des tableaux.



1<book back> 2<book app group> 3... 4<book app id="a8"> 5<book part meta> 6<title group> 7<label>Appendix 8</label><title>Composition of reporter and partner groups</title> 8</title group> 9</book part meta> 10<body> 11<sec> 12<title>DEVELOPING ECONOMIES include</title> 13<p><bold>Latin America (including the Caribbean): </bold></p> 14<list id="L25" list type="bullet"> 15<list item><label>&#x2022;</label><p>Mexico (classified within North America in the World Trade Statistical Review publication);</p></list item> 16<list item><label>&#x2022;</label><p><italic><underline>Central America</underline>:</italic> Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama;</p></list item> 17<list item><label>&#x2022;</label><p><italic><underline>South America</underline>:</italic> Argentina; Bolivia, Plurinational State of; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Ecuador; Guyana; Paraguay; Peru; Suriname; Uruguay; Venezuela, Bolivarian&#x00A0;Republic&#x00A0;of;</p></list item> 18<list item><label>&#x2022;</label><p>The Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba (the Netherlands with respect to), Bahamas, Barbados, Cayman Islands; Cuba, Cura&#x00E7;ao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint&#x00A0;Lucia, Saint Maarten, Saint&#x00A0;Vincent&#x00A0;and the Grenadines; and Trinidad and Tobago.</p></list item> 19<list item><label>&#x2022;</label><p>Other countries and territories in Latin America n.e.s.</p></list item></list> 20<p><bold>Developing Europe: </bold></p> 21<p>Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Montenegro; North Macedonia; Serbia; and Turkey.</p> 22... 23</book app> 24</book app group> 25</book back>

Parfois, les annexes sont composées entièrement de tableaux; le flux de travail eXtyles prend en charge ce cas de figure. Dans l'exemple ci‑après, l'appendice comprend seulement les tableaux A1.1 à A4.2.



1<book app group> 2<book app id="a"><book part meta> 3<title group> 4<label>APPENDIX</label><title>TABLES</title> 5</title group> 6</book part meta> 7<body> 8<table wrap id="tA1.1" position="float"> 9<label>Table A1.1</label><caption><title>Merchandise exports by product group, 2012 15</title> 10</caption> 11... 12<table wrap id="tA.4" orientation="landscape" position="float"> 13<label>Table A4.2</label><caption><title>WTO tariff quotas for agricultural products, 2015 and 2016</title> 14</caption> 15... 16</book app> 17</book app group>


Certains documents de l'OMC contiennent des références et il convient d'utiliser les styles References Title et Reference pour cette section du document, par exemple:



1<book back> 2<ref list> 3<title>REFERENCES</title> 4<ref id="r1"><mixed citation publication type="web">COMCO (2009), "Evaluation of the Cartel Act", <italic>Synthesis Report</italic>. Viewed at: <ext link ext link type="uri" xlink:href="https://www.weko.admin.ch/weko/en/home/documentation/evaluation and revision of the cartel act/evaluation of the cartel act.html">https://www.weko.admin.ch/weko/en/home/documentation/evaluation and revision of the cartel act/evaluation of the cartel act.html</ext link>.</mixed citation></ref> 5<ref id="r2"><mixed citation publication type="web"><person group person group type="author"><collab>COMCO</collab></person group> (<year>2013</year>), <source><italic>Annual Report on Competition Policy Developments in Switzerland</italic>.</source> Viewed at: <ext link ext link type="uri" xlink:href="https://www.weko.admin.ch/weko/en/home/comco/annual reports.html">https://www.weko.admin.ch/weko/en/home/COMCO/annual reports.html</ext link>.</mixed citation></ref> 6<ref id="r3"><mixed citation publication type="web"><person group person group type="author"><collab>COMCO</collab></person group> (<year>2014</year>), <source>Annual Report on Competition Policy Developments in Switzerland.</source> Viewed at: <ext link ext link type="uri" xlink:href="https://www.weko.admin.ch/weko/en/home/comco/annual reports.html">https://www.weko.admin.ch/weko/en/home/COMCO/annual reports.html</ext link>.</mixed citation></ref> 7<ref id="r4"><mixed citation publication type="web"><person group person group type="author"><collab>COMCO</collab></person group> (<year>2015</year>), <source>Annual Report on Competition Policy Developments in Switzerland.</source> Viewed at: <ext link ext link type="uri" xlink:href="https://www.weko.admin.ch/weko/en/home/comco/annual reports.html">https://www.weko.admin.ch/weko/en/home/COMCO/annual reports.html</ext link>.</mixed citation></ref> 8<ref id="r5"><mixed citation publication type="web">Council of the European Union (2016), <italic>Council conclusions on a homogeneous extended single market and EU relations with Non&#x2011;EU Western European countries</italic>, Brussels, 13 December. Viewed at: <ext link ext link type="uri" xlink:href="https://www.consilium.europa.eu/press releases pdf/2016/12/47244652378_en.pdf">https://www.consilium.europa.eu/press releases pdf/2016/12/47244652378_en.pdf</ext link>.</mixed citation></ref> 9... 10</ref list>

Veuillez noter qu'eXtyles utilisera les renseignements contenus entre les balises spécifiant le type de référence dans le document Word pour obtenir, par exemple, le type de publication dans le XML: <mixed‑citation publication‑type="web">.