Object Styles
- Robin Dunford
The Object tab of the eXtyles NLM style palette lists paragraph styles applied to figures, tables, and boxes. Documentation for these styles is organized into the following sections:
Table Styles
This page describes how to style the various elements of tables in your Word document. All tables, or content styled with the Table elements of the paragraph styles palette, must be in Word table format. Otherwise, export is likely to produce parsing errors.
Figure Styles
This page describes how to style the various elements of figures. This includes figure captions, accessibility text, and figure credits. The images themselves are not part of the XML file; the XML includes pointers to separate graphic files.
Box Styles
This page describes how to set up boxed content in the Word file to generate the correct XML output. eXtyles NLM supports two levels of subheadings and two levels of list items by default. By default, only these specific box styles can appear inside boxed content in eXtyles NLM.
Details of the Non-XML Text style can be found on another page.
If you have any questions about how a style should be used or what style should be applied to your content, feel free to contact the eXtyles Support Team.