Character Styles

Character Styles

As well as paragraph styles, eXtyles NLM makes use of a number of character styles to identify smaller elements of Word documents. Information about the different classes of character styles is provided in the sections below.

In this section

Author Styles

This page describes the various character styles that are used to identify individual elements within the Author paragraph(s). These styles are then used to construct various metadata elements in the XML file.

Affiliation Styles

eXtyles NLM does not tag individual elements of author affiliations by default, beyond identifying and tagging email addresses. This page describes various character styles that can be applied by hand to give additional granularity in affiliations in the XML file.

Citation Styles

The various citation styles are used by eXtyles NLM to create links in the XML between cited items, such as boxes, figures, tables, and bibliographic references, and citations of these items elsewhere in the document. This page describes how these styles are used.

Sponsor/Funder Styles

Although eXtyles NLM cannot yet identify funders and grant numbers in the Acknowledgements section automatically, there are two character styles that can be applied by hand that will allow this information to be fully structured in the exported JATS XML. This page describes how these styles are used

Bibliography Styles

The eXtyles NLM Bibliographic References process automatically identifies many elements of bibliographic references by using a range of character styles. This page explains what these styles mean, and how they are ultimately represented in the XML file.

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