Sponsor/Funder Styles

Sponsor/Funder Styles

Although eXtyles NLM cannot yet identify funders and grant numbers in the Acknowledgements section automatically, there are two character styles that can be applied by hand that will allow this information to be fully structured in the exported JATS XML. This page describes how these styles are used

Contract Sponsor, Contract Number

The Contract Sponsor and Contract Number character styles can be applied by hand to the Acknowledgements paragraph(s) in order to identify providers of funding or other support and any grant numbers or program information associated with those funders. In order for the correct links to be created between the funder and the grant numbers that apply to them, the text must be arranged so that the various styled elements appear in the order Sponsor 1, Number(s) 1, Sponsor 2, Number(s) 2, etc., as in the following example.


The following example demonstrates the use of the contract character styles. This illustration is an excerpt from the sample document: Sample_4_Character-styles.docx

JATS XML Example
		This work was funded by the 
		<funding-source rid="sp1">
			European Community
		<award-id rid="sp1">
			NATT HEALTH-F3-2008-222965
		) and the 
		<funding-source rid="sp2">
			UK Medical Research Council
		(programme number 
		<award-id rid="sp2">
			U1175 32056

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