Translated Styles

Translated Styles

The Trans tab of the eXtyles NLM style palette lists paragraph styles applied to translated versions of content typically found in the front matter of a publication, such as the Article Title or Keywords. The language for these translated paragraphs is set as the Secondary Language on the Document Information dialog. Documentation for these styles is organized into the following sections:

Translated Titles

This page describes the Article Title (Translated) and Article Subtitle (Translated) paragraph styles. Translated titles may or may not use an alternate character set compared with the primary-language titles.

Translated Authors

The Authors (Translated) style is typically used when the names of the authors are given in an alternate character set, such as Cyrillic or Japanese, as well as the Latin alphabet. This page describes how the style is used.

Translated Author Affiliations

Translated author affiliations may or may not use an alternate character set from the primary-language content. This page describes the use of the Affiliations (Translated) style.

Translated Abstracts

This page describes how to use the styles Abstract Head (Translated) and Abstract (Translated).

Translated Keywords and Abbreviations

Translated keywords and abbreviations are set up in the same way as the equivalent content in the primary language. This page describes the use of the Keywords (Translated) and Abbreviations (Translated) styles.

Details of the Non-XML Text style are available on another page.

If you have any questions about how a style should be used or what style should be applied to your content, feel free to contact the eXtyles Support Team.

Structuring Translated Authors and Affiliations

Translated author and affiliation information must be carefully structured, formatted, and styled in the Word document to achieve the correct XML. Please note the following:

(tick) Paragraphs must be organized with primary-language content grouped together and translated content grouped together.

(tick) Authors/Affiliations and Translated Authors/Translated Affiliations must be kept together; that is, no content can be placed between them.

(tick) All translated authors and affiliations must be in the same order as the primary-language authors and affiliations.

(tick) The primary-language authors and affiliations must have linking symbols, whereas any linking symbols set up in the translated authors and affiliations will be ignored. Note, however, that any labels included for the the translated affiliations will be retained.

(tick) There must be the same number of authors/affiliations as translated authors/translated affiliations. Inconsistency will cause a parsing error as well as a warning in the export alert dialog.

(tick) Translated authors or translated affiliations are only allowed when primary-language authors and affiliations are also used.




Translated Authors

Translated Affiliations

Example of a properly formatted document with translated authors and affiliations.

Incorrect formatting of the Word document will result in parsing errors or incorrect XML.



Translated Authors


Translated Affiliations



Translated Authors

Affiliations 1

Translated Affiliations 1

Affiliations 2

Translated Affiliations



Translated Title

Translated Authors


Affiliation 1

Translated Affiliation 1

Affiliation 2

Translated Affiliation 2

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